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I was in Croatia, my vacation was nice, but I don’t have to go again.
Since I’m always on holiday in the middle of September, the sea was too cold. I’m a white, I need up from 25 degrees.
Zadar and surroundings were worth seeing, but I know beautiful beaches and beach is part of it for me on holiday.
I liked Dubrovnik. Very beautiful old town, which bears witness to the former wealth.
The Plitvice Lakes and the Krka Waterfall were a great experience. These were nice changes during the cultural tour of the country.
I wouldn’t have left my boat in Porec if I didn’t like it.
It depends on what you’re looking for. To make a party there is actually Zrcve Beach.
otherwise there is more family holiday
A few times. About 25 years ago in Umag and a few years ago twice near Zadar. And next week Thursday we drive to Porec for a week. We like it in Croatia.
I think it is from nature one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. Hundreds of kilometers of coastline with beautiful bays, picturesque places, mountains and unique natural parks with waterfalls in the hinterland. Good weather, hospitable inhabitants and delicious food. I’ve been there five times, and I’m sure I’m going more often.
It’s almost 40 years ago.
Was in Rovinj and Krk.
Beautiful varied coastline, interesting hinterland, clear seawater, good for snorkeling, but only little sandy beach.
Because there is little sandy beach, there is also more clear water to snorkel 😉
In many places the time has stopped…was there with the fish cutter ..7 days- 7 islands…
Yes 11 times, always happy, as on Saturday again 😉
Got my sailing yacht.
On the coast with the many islands it is beautiful.
The stone beaches there are the hammer