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I was actually in the ZDF TV garden. That was a great experience, a very beautiful day with great summer weather and we have seen many stars, we have had great fun all day long. That was on the 23rd. July 2000, I was just ten years old and in the show were among others Angelika Milster, Karel Gott and Laith Al-Deen – Karel Gott sang “A song can be a bridge” I remember. I liked him as a kid. We actually met him after the show, he was very warm and I am still a fan.
Uncle Rudi and I were on a video recording of the whole show that my grandpa had recorded (he stayed at home) at least somewhere when the camera showed a lot of audiences – if you knew it and Uncle Rudis’s colorful shirt and my colourful Bermudas (which I liked to wear, even in school… so you were still running around at that time and children were not fashion puppets but got useful clothes.
This is a video from the show: Laith Al-Deen sings “Pictures of You”. Still a nice song that goes under the skin, I find.
Yeah, at some point in the 1980s. We went to the radio show when I remember. There was good weather, partly moderate music and not yet Kiwi.
A very nice experience.
No, and I think that’s better. For me and for the TV garden 😸
No, because I’m afraid Touchy touches me.
You don’t really think I’m going to hurt Kiwi life’s nerve saw. 😤😤
I don’t even want to go with this kind of music. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
I believe you
No, if you prefer to keep Sundays.
I haven’t been a guest in a ZDF TV garden yet.
No. You’d have to beat me in this lard event.
hahahahahaha ^
Hello, Jan!
No, that would be absolutely not my genre
More like Bruce Springsteen