Wart Ihr schon mal in Shorts beim Vorstellungsgespräch?
Wenn ja: Habt Ihr den Job dann bekommen? Und wie kam das so an?
Wenn ja: Habt Ihr den Job dann bekommen? Und wie kam das so an?
Hallo , meine Frage bezieht sich auf den Beruf des Heilerziehungspfleger? wäre dieser Beruf zu empfehlen und verdient man gut in diesem Beruf ?
Ich habe gehört, dass man reduzieren Sachen oder Sachen mit Quickship nicht zurückschicken kann? Stimmt das? Habt ihr damit Erfahrung?
Befürwortet ihr, wenn euch die Klamotten eurer Kinder nicht gefallen? Gibt es Kleidungsstücke, die viel zu krass sind und ihr sie nicht tolerieren könnt? Oder dürfen sie alles anhaben, ohne Einschränkungen?
Hab so Zahlen bekommen wie 650€ pro Monat aber ich kann nicht einschätzen ob das gut bzw. okay ist. Ein Auto würde ich nicht haben, Miete usw. aber dann schon. Geld anlegen würde ich mir warscheinlich schon aber trotzdem.
Wie geht es euch jetzt? Ist das besser als arbeiten? Ich habe Jahre gearbeitet und bin nervlich total am Ende und überlege ein Jahr nicht zu arbeiten.
Yes in June 2004.Hat my short leather pants and carved short-sleeved shirt on it.Have applied for a job as a buyer at that time.The conversation lasted almost 2 hours.The head of staff asked at the very beginning whether I liked to go to the mountains.The conversation was very nice and I was then immediately hired.Why then for 16 years until I was retired as a buyer for uplifted gastronomy in Paris
That was a side job I would have got, but then canceled. I could’ve earned something for myself as a young adult at a gas station with a car wash facility, but I should have served the washing facility and washed cars – and I didn’t want to spit away the dirt of any cars and then let me pick up by the owners. I wore Bermudas and some t-shirt, it was summer and very hot.
I didn’t, but when I was a scientific assistant at the university, we hired a computer science student as a student assistant, he went jogging a round and just came to the interview. In sports clothes. He was so competent that I am still happy about it today. I looked at him how to program in C properly efficiently, I learned from him, and in this style I programmed my algorithms all my career. Sometimes I think of him by reprogramming something he once created under laughter: a routine that checks whether a string is “yes” or “no”, but multilingual. He lay on the earth before laughing because he found “oui” so funny, he meant to cheek French when they chase something. The routine now understands German, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Turkish.
Yeah. I didn’t want to be hired.
And were you hired?
No. I stayed at the post office!
Sure, if you’re a UPS driver, that’s good.
I think they don’t wear shorts anymore, but more so silly unlong pants.
Of course!
I went straight with: “You are a fresh dude. They welcomed the job.”
Another idea was not necessary.
No, but would recommend you always go in long pants and a t shirt.
Ne, my job interviews always took place at under 20 degrees.
Would you appear in shorts at 30 degrees? And then maybe excuse this for the weather?
No, that would be an absolute no-go. Who goes in shorts has already lost.
Yes I was even in jogging pants and Gucci belly bag there and was even promoted