Wärt ihr lieber kleinwüchsig oder richtig groß?
Ihr müsst euch entscheiden: Entweder sehr klein (1,30m) oder sehr groß (2,30m), wie würdet ihr euch entscheiden?
Ihr müsst euch entscheiden: Entweder sehr klein (1,30m) oder sehr groß (2,30m), wie würdet ihr euch entscheiden?
Ich mache mir allmählich große Sorgen um meinen Partner. Er ist 32, 1,80m groß und wiegt nun etwa 110 Kilo. Er hatte schon immer eine Tendenz dazu, schnell zuzunehmen. Seine Mutter hatte ebenfalls Übergewicht daher vermute ich, dass Genetik auch ein Faktor ist. Langsam mache ich mir natürlich Sorgen um seine Gesundheit, denn gut ist…
Bin immer mal wieder im Untergewicht oder kurz davor. Das problem: ich Ekel mich vor essen. Irgendwie muss ich dann auch aus Hunger was essen. Aber nicht gerne und nicht viel. Zunehmen fällt mir sehr schwer. Habt ihr Ideen wie man schnell zunehmen kann? Fühle mich auch unwohl in meinem Körper…
Würde jede Evolution immer gleich verlaufen, aufgrund von Naturgesetzen?
Welche Größe ist bei Frauen klein
Hello 20Winner00!
I prefer 2.3 m tall than 1.3 m because there are several advantages. Now I’m playing basketball and that’ll be easier to win in basketball. With 2.3 m, you are larger than the largest man in the Philippines – the Lord William Biscocho, who is about 2.20 m tall. Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages, for example with doors, back pain, etc.
I’m going out of health, in both cases.
Yes there are sports due to go with 1.3m, and others dur go to me 2,3m.
But apart from such cases, some normal garments are available only from the tailor in handwork at the special price. And no proportions of child and adult are different. Apart from the fact that you don’t want to sit in the office with a primary school wall. It hits both. From shoes to cap.
Nor will it be possible in no profession to work with normal device, it needs custom productions. Whether office furniture or technical equipment. Take both to bad negotiating position.
Cars still exist for big, just expensive, big. But with 1m30 you won’t find anyone you can use. Car in custom production, now it’s getting bad.
For this, the big plsgrn can even get into his apartment, and matching bed, cauch…
Kitchen and so on goes back to both as a special production… Where else nobody can cook.
As a kid, there’s a ladder everywhere, there’s nowhere to go, even in the back, not in due closets… As a big man, every door is in trouble.
Only bus, train, flight, as you win small, but very often in everyday life helps size and reach.
easy then I would dominate the NBA, full the normal size. You wouldn’t even be the greatest NBA player in history… there are some
If you don’t put the baskets in, the size doesn’t bring you anything
no matter training & academies
if it doesn’t work
In my knowledge, we have little health problems than in the 2.30 Group.
And it is certainly more common why also aids for the restriction should be easier to get.
I think it’s better.
Hobbits live longer.
Comes quite randomly after the video of Leeroy ^^
You looked emptyoy wants to know, huh?
Hello 20Winners00!
2,30 has in total more advantages than disadvantages. By the way and hardly known : We Germans are big but the average of all men on earth is well 1.70.
Have a nice evening