Warst Du schon mal von einem geliebten Menschen emotional abhängig?
Was ist emotionale Abhängigkeit?
• der Glaube, dass man ohne den Partner oder die Partnerin nicht glücklich sein kann oder das Leben keinen Sinn ergeben würde.
• das Gefühl der Leere, wenn der oder die andere nicht da ist.
• aus Angst vor Zurückweisung wird alles getan, um den/die Partner/in glücklich zu machen.
So I don’t have to say an extreme emotional dependency, because probably life has shown up again and again that I can be happy alone. A couple of months ago, I got a “separation” behind me. You have to learn again without this person getting clear. There are moments where the past is catching up, but you have the best.
What I have to say I fall in love with other people very quickly. Let me begin by presenting my future and set too high expectations/ hopes for it:(
Unlike most, I think the emotional dependence is absolutely nothing bad.
So yes. I’m dependent on my wife.
Couldn’t imagine a life without her. Wouldn’t want it. Because she enriches my life immensely.
Emotional dependency is something WUNDERVOLLES, as long as it is not exploited by the partner and then ends in suppression or worse.
But people don’t understand.
Ansich is absolutely no problem. It simply means that you have 100% admitted to the partner.
Then there is no “MEIN” life anymore, but there is only “UNSER” life.
And that’s something very beautiful.
Of course, only if it’s from both sides.
That’s what you said. Thank you
I think there is another difference between a fulfilled relationship as you describe it and emotional dependence.
With the emotional dependency mentioned, you and your psyche are hurt, the partner should go to a girlfriend for a weekend because it is more a addiction for you. Within the partnership, you are also subordinate to losing from fear to something, so there is no relationship at eye level. It also hurts you and doesn’t even have to do with whether someone somehow uses it, because it’s not even perceived by the partner.
Also often it can be seen that the addiction enters much less friendships and makes hobbies to be even more with the partner. There can then be problems not only with the partner, because it becomes too much, it will also become more difficult after a separation because the addict has much less anchor points.
I’m also saying if it doesn’t make you juke when your wife is gone for a weekend… Then something’s wrong with the relationship.
Of course, you should keep that in mind and not make yourself creepy. But if you don’t mind. Then the partner doesn’t care.
This has nothing to do with forced or dependent on the hat. You’d rather have time with her than doing anything else.
And as I said, it’s something wonderful.
I still understand what you mean. So if it’s in the extreme. However, this is often not the case.
Nowadays we put much too much focus on that such an emotional dependence does not arise… This means that one distances itself indirectly from the beginning.
I would say it’s a really narrow grotto where you have to move. I’m right. But if one does not dare to develop at least a little dependence at all. Then it’s not gonna be anything with sincere love.
But as so often in life you should just avoid the extremes. Then everything’s great.
It was fucked.
I worked hard to love today.
Not in the real sense, but in a rather heavy phase, a friend of mine played a dominant role and exercised an extreme influence. That went so far that I had to have a lot of what he had, because it has radiated on me a certain form of security.
Yes, I did.
The thing is that we are generally dependent on our social environment. We need company.
It becomes problematic when a single person takes the whole life. That’s deadly.
No, emotional dependence is not good…
Live with my partner for years, but in the sense of emotionally dependent on him I really don’t feel!
Unfortunately, yes. This is part of my illness
Yeah, I was…
I’m still alive, but I’ve become less