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Frag nur so aus Interesse XD
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Yeah, a couple of times, that used to be where I didn’t have a phone. I had unfortunately forgotten the maps at home and I just ran off and then I was fine. There were hardly any houses or people in the area to ask. I wanted to go back the same way, but since it became dark, I couldn’t see more. I drove so long until I got to a tank and asked for the way. This happened to me 3 times and after that I always had a mobile phone with +cards to be well prepared! 👍😎
Thank you for the star, dear. 👍😎
No not really because I have a really good orientation and can guide me well in many areas without which I was there before.
And if I don’t know anymore,
then I’ll let my intuition decide.
Not so far, geography at school has done a lot.
You know me well.
No, never.
I’ve never been lost geographically.
Yeah, I’ve lost the orientation a few times.
In the forest?
Oh, I’ve accidentally rated negative, that shouldn’t be meant. Yes, in the forest and also in the city.
Yes – at Ben Nevis in Scotland when we were on the road with the trekking backpack…😂
Why “was(st)”? It’s because there is no place in this world where I could actually go.
At geogueser already
very rare