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1 year ago

Hello, I have the following names:

dirt pelt: light brown striped cat; Warriors

Seerose: fire-red kitten; Queen

Lightning cloud: white cat with dark grey spots; Warriors

moor fur: dark brown striped cat; 2. Leaders

white fur: white kitten with light blue eyes; Warrior

honeydew: golden spotted kitten; Savior

Dark grey cat with shiny fur and yellow eyes; Warriors

hazelshade: light brown tartar kitten; Queen

birch leaf: black cat with green eyes; Oldest

puppy stitch: black striped cat with a long scar on the neck; oldest warrior

Hop rocker: light grey-flowed kitten; Warrior

tulip star: gray kitten with white tup and half-length fur; Guide

Sun swamp: golden tied cat; Warriors

I hope I could help!

LG bee nose

1 year ago


Lightspring: light brown cat with white stripes

Luchssee: dark brown cat with lynx ears

Light Dancer: White Cat with White Tups

Heart leaf: red cat

Leopard Tower: dotted kitten with fiery eyes

Storm Heart: Grey Cat with a lightning scar on the flank

Distelfang: Black Cat with Brown Eyes

Sand fire: Yellow kitten with light green eyes

Seeglanz: Grey kitten with a blue in the night

Firestorm: red cat with emerald colored eyes

Funkenlied: brown kitten with red dots on the fur

Leave rain: brown, yellowish stained cat

Thunder runner: Grey cat with bright points on the face

Mouthpiece: Black cat with long legs

Honey Fur: Honey Colored Cuckin

Crystal star: brown white kitten with sky blue eyes

Sapphire shadow: black kitten with sapphire eyes

Heavenly jump:

Sunfish: Brown kitten with yellow eyes like the sun

Tulip Tree: brown white tusked kitten

1 year ago

Oh, Watty?

  • White
  • White Tower
  • Rainfall
  • Sparkleaf
  • Dunstflu
  • flotation
1 year ago

Smooth, rain jump, whirlpool, cloud hail, light tooth, shadow glow, tree claw, fox scar, fish light, sun toas, toasted face

LG your lavender moon

6 months ago

I am a little late but no matter 😂

Find these names very beautiful and are by the way from me:

Halloween screams, crows flight, flowers pond, flames sea, ocean eye, legends heart, blood pond, gold star or fur, mint storm, thorns storm, frost flowering, sun fur, moon shine or shimmer, fate swing, sun swing, flowers ray, spring pelz, autumn leaf, mud head, wind swing, ice wind, whirlpool fur, night shadows would be so hopeful

1 year ago

fog, rose tail, root rose, leaf thunder, wave spark, flame eye, snow bar, blackhead, flower foot, bladder blossom, birch blossom, smoke frost, honey sound, shade fern, sandblasting, frost glow, snow blitz, thunder cloud, rainbow, lightning scar, mice tooth, sunflower blossom

I’ve got more of a 🙂

6 months ago


Moon feather: light grey kitten with black stripes and lake blue eyes Rank: warrior

Skin Fur: White kitten with beautiful white fur and a blue and a yellow eye Rang: Healer

Honey blossom: Golden kitten with amber colored eyes Rank: warrior

Abentpfote: Black lean kitten with green eyes Rank: Student

Snow paw: white kitten with grey spots with light blue eyes

feather boy:graue kitten with white ears and small beins

Donner Claw:Great Yellow Oranger Cat with Gray Eyes (not blind) Rank: Second Leader

Crane flight: white black thin calder with bright green eyes Rank: warrior

Jaguarstern: musculosed cat with golden untreated fur and black spots Rank:Chair

Fox paw : small 6 moons old cat with fuchs colored fur and purple eyes

Ice paw: white cat with blue eyes

Bear boy: brown tiny cat with yellow eyes

LG half moon flame

1 year ago

Dark heart (black kitten with yellow eyes)

Ash blossom (grey kitten with blue eyes)

Tree wind (brown cat with green eyes)

Efeu blossom (three-coloured kitten with green eyes)

Finsterschweif (black cat with green eyes)

Ice cream (white kitten with blue eyes)

Frost heart (white kitten with blue eyes)

11 months ago

raspberry pine,


Crystal fur…