Warrior Cats, eure peinlichen ersten Oc’s…?
Hallöchen! :3
-An alle die Warrior Cats kennen, wie war euer erster (oder zweiter, dritter…halt so die ersten) Oc so drauf? Haut gerne eure peinlichsten Geschichten von Oc’s raus, wo ihr euch jetzt denkt “Was ist das?!”
Optional freue ich mich auch über euren bis jetzt besten Oc, dann könnte man gut die Entwicklung sehen… 😛
! Nur Antworten wenn ihr Warrior Cats kennt, danke. !
Danke für alle Antworten. <3⭐
I created the classic Mary sues.
Star view with glittery fur, which was at the same time a healer and a warrior, because she was too gifted in everything and her talent would otherwise be a waste. She has her name because the other Clans have decided that she should never be a leader because her clan would otherwise become too powerful.
Rainbow Jew, who was a changing vision. Every time the healer looked at him what happened, why it became an extra rank outside warriors and healers, a changing star
Seeblatt was Quasi Blattsee, only that she had never had anything with crow feather and still kept her student personality (I hated Blattsee because leaf paw was my favorite cat)
And best of all: Rubinauge-Meira light flash. I was not only Warrior Cat’s fan, but also Harry Potter and Dragon Tame made light, which is why I created a creature that lived in all worlds at the same time. In Warrior Cats, she could talk to two-legged people. In Harry Potter, she was previously trained in Hogwarts because of her animagus skills and was made easy in dragon tams, she was a dragon that had already died, but was revived by without tooth. She could, of course, also talk to people, but had no rider because she was free and a Mary sue needs no help. It is changed by appealing in the worlds and has a different age and history in everyone.
I started reading Warrior Cats at 8-9 years. The Ocs are still from my primary school…
I searched and found the RPG, tadaa, that was my first Oc!
His character was somehow aggressive, not the brightest, he didn’t understand anything and didn’t pay attention to privacy😅
Wait, he’s second leader with nine moons?
Yeah, I didn’t understand WaCa at the time.