Warrior Cats euer bester Oc?
Hallöchen! :3
-Da meine letzte Frage ja war “Wie war euer erster Oc” frage ich euch jetzt, wer ist bis jetzt der beste Oc den ihr euch ausgedacht habt?
! Ich werde weder Name, Aussehen noch Geschichte irgendwie verwenden oder weitergeben. ! (Ich weiß wie nervig sowas ist.)
Danke für alle Antworten! Lg -Coffee! <3⭐
An oc to which I always return and to which I want to write more and more ff is a shadow heart. She was born as a stray and had to go through alone. She hated the world and all that had it easier than her. She felt that every cat is responsible for herself and that everyone who was bad was too weak for the world.
When she hit the clans, she first tyrantized them. She was attacked by a student (Wolfspfote) and was of the opinion that no cat group was right to tell her where she can hunt and where not, so she put dogs and foxes on the clans. She quickly realized that the clans are held together by their leaders, which is why she kidnapped fire star, the leader of the FlameClan from his clan. She tried to kill him when he tried to escape, but because he woke up to life again, she also found him staring. Fire star was a cat who always believed in the good in each cat, so he invited them into his clan and gave their name (before she was nameless because she was always alone and had no name needed).
She hunted for the clan and fought. She has seen what suffering she caused and risked her life in some fights against the dogs. Their goal was to build up so much trust in the clans that they were left to the moon cave (Mondsee/stein from the clans by stretching them). It was, of course, hard for them to gain confidence and they had to sleep in a building outside the camp for a long time because they did not accept the Clan.
An enemy clan attacked the flame clans when he learned that they have shadow hearts, which is why it was chased. From a distance, the enemy clans watched more and more power over the flame clans by their victory. Shadow heart ended this by bringing dogs back to the Clas. This time they protect the flame clans. The following battle took place near the moon cave. She was unexpectedly hurt by a dog herself and lay in death. She met the Star Clan and her mother. She learned that she was a half-clan boy and her mother had fled from the flame clans. Feuerstern probably knew about it because she was very close to her mother. The whole clan knew it and she felt betrayed again. Her mother did not want her to work against the Clans, but to be happy about any help and acceptance she gets because she is no longer worth her past as a half-clan (your father was the antagonist of another story)
She came back to consciousness and finally fell on fire stars. She threw up her entire destroyed life and was surprised when she saw Schult in Feuerstern’s eyes. She didn’t kill him.
Then she became a half-warmer in the flame clans. She didn’t live among the cats, but hunted for them. In conflicts, she joined this clan and drove the enemy clan off the territory. The healer of the flame clans has helped her find more of the stars clans.
As a fire star died and flower star leader, she finally left the flame clans with some other cats and founded the midnight clan. Blumenstern wanted to expel fire star’s softness from the clan and was more rigorous with disabled cats and less gifted pupils. Shadowheart wanted to continue to believe that there was something good and valuable in everyone. But she didn’t want to be a leader, which is why she never received nine lives, but made night paws/night paws a leader when her pupil was ready.
At midnight Clan, she finally got old. She got another throw boy with a former stray that the Midnight Clan has recorded called Hamsterzahn. Her boys were called Sun Heart (later Sun Stars as Leader), Lilahimmel(Heiler) and Eulenjunges(Death birth).
I have a lot of different stories for her, but this is the one I’m working on right now.
Your appearance: Fully black fur with dark brown eyes
Hello! So my favorite OC is actually Frozen. A letter about her:
Name(s): Dornenjunges – Dornenpfote – Dornenfrost – Dornenfrost – Dornenstern
Ranks: Young – Student – Warrior – Single Runner – Warrior – Second Leader – Leader
Clan: RootClan
Appearance: Dornenfrost in a large, slender, light grey, tanned kitten with icy blue eyes and a “trained” body. Her eyes seemed penetrating and cold.
Characteristics: often comes cold, but actually quite in the heart she is a loving kitten, sometimes a bit zigzag, but otherwise actually calm, she often says her opinion and can also enforce it.
Mother: Taulicht- weisse Kätzin with some gray spots and blue eyes, currently Queen
Father: Fog star – almost dark grey grazed cat with icy blue eyes, leader
Sisters: Shadow Boys (dark grey kitten) and Frost Boys (white kitten) (second litter of her mother)
Brothers: Blitzsturm, Nachtsprung (almost black cat), Windsprung (bright grey cat), Regenjunges (big cat)
Grandparents (mother side) Sprenkelfuss (white kitten with grey sprinkles) and night fern (black cat with yellow eyes)
Grandparents (father side) Gelbauge (grey cat with yellow eyes) and unknown
Aunt (mother side): Cleam (white kitten with green eyes)
Uncle (maternal): /
Tantens (since the father): blossom (light grey kitten)
Uncle (paternal): Black (black cat)
Companion: Claw (red oranger Kater) (formerly), Needle Fur (dark brown cat with green eyes)
Young (from claw): Eulenstreif (Eule) (light brown kitten) and leaf (red brown cat)
Young (from needle fur): needle boy (light brown kitten with green eyes, later: needle heart), silver boy (light silver kitten with green eyes, later: silver heart), tree boy (brown cat with blue eyes, later: tree spot) and flame boy (light brown kitten with bright amber eyes, later: flame spot)
Your mentor: Sandy strip (gross, sand-coloured cat)
Your students: See paws (now sea spot, black white kitten) and stain paws (white kitten with brown spots, later: stain frost (after thorn frost))
Short life story:
Dornenjunges came to the world in the fresh leaf. At that time, she was the weakest in the whole litter, but it soon changed. Because when she became a pupil, and the second leader Sandstreif became a mentor and who trained her very well, she was soon appointed a warrior. Her father was the leader at the time and gave her the name Dornenfrost. Dornenfrost did not like the name especially, even the rules in the rootClan were unjust they found. After her mentor Sandstreif died (because of a limit), she no longer understood the stupid limits. She sneaked out of warfare one night and ran out of the camp without telling anyone anything. And so she was a single runner and called herself Dorne. Gradually, she became a very strong kitten who did not notice the borders. When she met claw at some point, she moved back with him and got boy. They called her owl and leaf. Claw asked her about the clans and so on. And suddenly claw goes behind her and takes fog stars two of his life. But Dorne realized that something was wrong and followed her companion. She saw everything and protected her father. She almost came around and left her companion. Nebelstern appointed her courage to the second leader, as Sandstreif died in the fight against Claw from weakness and from his wounds. She was the second leader until her father Nebelstern died of age weakness. Dornenfrost immediately went on the way to the moonstone and got her nine lives from: 1. Claw: for love 3. Leaf: consciously be 4. Taulicht: Justice 5. Blitzsturm: Fight is something different than fight 6. Sandstreif: smart and three others….
As a leader, she got a new mate named Needle Fur, from him she got four boys: Needle Boys, later called Needle Heart, Silver Boys, later called Silver Heart, Baumjunges, who later hots tree stains, and Flame Boys later hots the flame spot.
I hope I could help you with this!
LG your Bunti <3
My Personal FavouriteOc is Autumn Sheet (Autumnleaf) She has a very tragic story (I love tragic backstory) and looks like this:
Red-brown fur with darker spots, honey-colored chest, belly and muzzle, fluffy, torn ear, martial scars, scar on the lip and on the nose, blind eye, striped face
Background History:
She was the house kitten hazelnut (Hazelnut), but very different from her siblings and her mother, which is why her mother put her down as kittens in the barn. From then on, she was the cold and strong stray in autumn (autumn) and also killed a few cats. After all, she became seriously ill and was saved by the Windclan, so she decided to become a healer there. Her healer name was autumn leaf. She soon got a pupil named white paw (Whitepaw), but she’s murdered by strays. Autumn leaf, however, gives the star clan the blame for this, as white paw fell in love with a stray and thus broke the laws.
Autumn leaves often have contact with the spirit of their pupil, but soon two new pupils will want to become healers, light paws (Lightpaw) and snow paws (Snowpaw). Autumn leaves can only take one of the pupils as they cannot teach two. She decides for snow paws, whereupon light paws are deacidified and run away. He no longer wants to see autumn leaf and is taken up by the Shadow Clan healer. Autumn leaf feels guilty and also runs away, but her trauma and the spirit of her dead pupils catch her. Finally, she no longer holds the pressure and slits the throat exactly at the point where her student was murdered to finish it. She finds snow paws in time and can save them, but autumn leaf has lost her memory. After a dream sent by the Star Clan, snow paw brings it to the moonstone, where it closes peace with its past, accepts its mistakes and returns its memories. She continues to live in the Windclan as a helper until she dies of green coughs.
The Star Clan forgives her mistakes as she died in the end as a good cat and she does not come into the forest of darkness.
Her last words: ‘Accept yourselves as I have accepted myself.’
Happy end 🙂
Yes, that was the summarized Version ‘:)