Warrior cats Baue?

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Ich schreibe gerade eine FF und mir fehlen noch Baue für meinen Clan. Der Feuerclan lebt in einem großem Mischwald. Es sind gute Kletterer, sie graben auch Tunnel. Das Lager ist mit einem Wall aus Ästen geschützt, an einigen Stellen auch mit riesigen Steinen. Ich habe noch keine Idee für einen Bau.

Bitte nur Antworten wenn ihr Waca kennt und danke für die Antworten

Möge der Sternenclan euch Pfad erleuchten

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1 year ago


I have the following ideas for the construction of the FeuerClan:

  • Columns in which cats can build their nests
  • Rock caves, since there is one or other large stone in the camp (also well suited for a leader building!)
  • Tree caves – Slip in hollow tree trunks or in caves built from tree bark
  • Tunnel and Earth Caves – Cats could dig earth caves under the earth and even connect them with tunnels (if they are also suitable as healers)
  • Shrubs and bushes – The cats simply build their nests under the bargain of bushes and bushes
  • Tomato – you often find hollow tree trunks and caves between dead trees
  • Tree caves in the trunk – in large trees there are often tree caves from other animals that are further up in the trunk. Because your cats can climb well, that would also be a possibility…
  • Stockwall – you could still make bulges for small buildings

I hope I could inspire you creatively <3

May the StarClan accompany your paw steps!

Best regards from Fliederfeder :))

1 year ago
Reply to  LetsFox

Of course <3

1 year ago

Wow, there’s nothing I can add to!

1 year ago


Here are some ideas:

  • The classic: bushes, among them you can make nests
  • Since there are also huge stones in the camp, a few cats can sleep in a wider gap. This idea is especially suitable for healer construction and leader construction
  • A fallen, hollow tree trunk
  • A cave between the roots of a tree
  • Since the cats can dig tunnels, they can also dig building
  • Also on trees the cats can make nests or sleep in an abandoned and enlarged Eulennest

Hope I could help 🙂

LG silver swamp

1 year ago
Reply to  LetsFox
