Warnlampen am Fahrzeug?

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An meinem älteren Mercedes SLK leuchtet die ABS Warnleuchte sowie die ASR Leuchte. Beide leuchten seit heute, haben gleichzeitig damit angefangen und mir wäre kein Auslöser bewusst. Bei einer ersten Probefahrt ist mir nichts aufgefallen. Hat jemand eine Idee?

LG Marcel


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2 years ago

Error memories exist so that such errors can be found quickly or limited.

In ABS notifications, a defective wheel speed sensor or sensor ring will most likely be a defective wheel speed sensor or sensor ring, but certainty only provides reading.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcelK03

In order to read out an error memory, special diagnostic software is required which basically has every workshop. And an error message from a security system should not be ignored, as the ABS is just as important as the airbag.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcelK03

Don’t ignore your ABS could have no function. You may endanger your life, and the other road user.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcelK03

I can, of course, find the Mercedes workshop closest to your home, but you should be able to do that yourself.

You can ignore this if you think you can do without the ABS system. I’d be sick of it all the time.

2 years ago
Reply to  MarcelK03

You can ignore all warning lamps. Don’t be surprised that the systems don’t work anymore.

2 years ago

Okay, I went out of a standard OBD. I work at Skoda, so I don’t have much to do with Mercedes. 😅

2 years ago

Not every workshop. The image is an R170 that did not have a today standardized OBD connection, but also a Mercedes-based diagnostic interface. Which is why I also referred to Mercedes twice.

2 years ago

These cars sometimes bring

2 years ago

If you have the right Mercedes DIagnosetester, you could do that. Whether it will help you if you may not interpret the error codes and may not fix an existing error?

What prevents you from looking for a Mercedes workshop?