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seufz… so try to explain yourself:
Proxima Centauri is the name of the next star. It’s a sun.
Proxima Centauri is the central star of a planetary system. Models show that a planet at whose surface temperatures should prevail above the freezing point should not be further than 0.032 AE from Proxima Centauri.
Proxima Centauri’s flare breaks would hardly allow life. Within a few minutes, the luminosity of the star could double or triple; one on 24. In March 2017, the flare observed reached a thousand times luminosity compared to the resting state for about 10 seconds.[46] Such flares could be the atmospheres any planet located in the habitable zonedestroy.
So: No, life is not possible in the Proxima Centauri system. This also changes the distance to “us” nothing.
Jein. With good magnetic field, the atmosphere would probably be sufficiently stable. However, life must get extreme radiation fluctuations. We’d be there with heavy protection. But there are earth dwellers who are quite clear with it.
Red dwarves are small but extinct. Evolution would have had no rest. Every few years a mass extinction is too often…
What’s wrong with you at this distance?
What do you want? We are viable, even without Proxima Centauri. We have nothing to do with Proxima.