Waren Menschen in der Bronzezeit Antike und Mittelalter glücklicher und sozialer als heute ?

Heute sehe ich viele die einsam depressiv und traurig sind war das früher nicht so weil man mehr rausging ?

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1 year ago

It is difficult to determine the “greatness” of people in these ages. I mean, we can hardly prove the momentary “greatness” of people somehow objectively.

But what we know is that most people who have already died in these ages in childhood do not listen very much to happiness for me.

latricolore, UserMod Light

I have no information about life during the Bronze Age, but for the Antiquity and the Middle Ages it clearly depends on what layer you mean.
Slaves certainly did not find their lives as tingling as their rule, and kings also lived differently from peasants or beggars.

1 year ago

We hunted, collected or worked in the mine for 7 days.

From sunrise to sunset.

Well, we had more sex.

But often too nix to eat.

latricolore, UserMod Light
Reply to  Obennixlos

Well, we had more sex.

Can you prove that? 😁

1 year ago

Yes logical.

First of all, there was no other leisure work except brushing something to the wall.

Secondly, when we were horny, we pulled the woman n Knüppel over the skull and dragged on the hair into the cavity

1 year ago

As long as they had no toothaches and were not starved by wolves, they probably just suffered in a different way. They didn’t have it so good at home and had to go out more.

1 year ago

I think at least mentally they were better. But maybe not in the Middle Ages.

1 year ago

Yeah, they were social.

They beat you when you stole a bread.

In severe crimes, strangers were automatically devastated and had to prove their innocence.