Were flies maggots before?
Is it true that flies were once maggots?
Is it true that flies were once maggots?
Hello folks, I moved into a new apartment a few months ago, and moths keep appearing, especially in the living room. I find about three moths every day, but I have no idea where they're coming from. No food is infested (and there aren't any in the living room either). My windows have fly screens,…
This sounds incredibly strange, but since last night, I've been getting tons of mosquito bites all over my body. Not just one at a time, but about four or six at a time. Yesterday on my legs, today throughout the day on my hands, and just now on my arms. No matter what room I'm…
How do you fight it?
I saw this thing on my window and I'm scared of it. Anyone know what it is and if it can bite?
Help! I'm in the kids' room right now, typing from my computer. There are two spiders in the living room, one near the TV and one on the ceiling. I'm afraid of spiders. I've tried shooting them with pillows, but I haven't hit them once. The only things I have left are insect spray, deodorant,…
Das stimmt, aber das bedeutet nicht auch im Umkehrschluss, dass alle Maden zur Fliege werden.
Ja. Ich weiß nicht, ob alle Flatterinsekten das Larvenstadium durchlaufen, bin kein Biologe, nur durchschnittsgebildet in dieser Hinsicht. Bei Fliegen ist das definitiv so. Auch Schmetterlinge, Falter und auch Maikäfer entwickeln sich ähnlich.
Bei Schmetterlingen heißen die Larven Raupen, bei Maikäfern Engerling.
Die Maden (Larven) von Fliegen, entwickeln sich zu Fliegen.
ja das stimmt! Google mal nach “Entwicklungsstadien der Fliegen”
Klar. Dachtest du, sie spawnen wie bei einem Computerspiel?
Das Fliegenbaby nennt sich Made 😉