Waren die Lebensmittel und das Essen in den 90ern leckerer?
Kommt es mir nur so vor, oder waren die Lebensmittel und das Essen in den 90ern (bin in dieser Zeit aufgewachsen) leckerer und hatten mehr Geschmack?
Egal ob Lebensmittel oder wenn man zum Essen ging – es hat eigentlich immer geschmeckt und war lecker. Was denkt ihr?
You’d have to stick to examples.
Since there were little convenience products at the time and much more themselves were prepared, I would agree to you smoothly in this context.
But you probably mean identical products. Without an example, it remains a quite subjective impression.
It wasn’t all light yet, gluten-, lactose- and otherwise-free.
Strangely, no one of these whole things had said so. “Allergies” and “incompatibility” belonged to it.
Could that be a reason?
The only thing I can remember is that the children have tasted milk cuts around worlds better than today :))
No – I don’t think there was a big difference today. I have been buying organic shops for the 80s.
However, to foods such as meat, vegetables and fruits in the period of the 50s, 60s quite certain. The first bioshops in Germany were in the 1970s and were operated by the so-called “Ökofreaks” or “Körnerfressern” (which is for stupid expressions). Then it began that a certain circle was more consciously fed and thought about the origin and production of their foods.
Some large food scandals originated in the 1980s.
I think that’s the price, that’s a bad thing. 😁
It is also getting more and more powdered, Nutella contains more palm oil than the past fewer cocoa all this
I can tell you that, for example, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries and Mirabelles, from the roadside or from the forest, still taste as expected in my childhood.
This test already made to test with your own taste? And so you can make your own judgment.
And yes, fruit and vegetables from the supermarket tastes as it is produced.
I have to say quite honestly, it seems to me and not just a bit:/
If you’re looking for scandals in the industry, you’re guaranteed to be bad;-)
Come on. At that time there were fewer finished products, in the gastronomy and at home was still cooked.
We don’t want to talk about fast food.
Yes used to be more delicious, animals were fed with proper feed and plants were more natural.
In the 90s, the chemical cocktail in agriculture was significantly more violent than today…….
Find out about the reforms since then, you’ll go to the street tomorrow!
verbleit, explains some
Dreamer, in the 90s I was already grown up and lived/survived…. even with DDT and leaded petrol.
There’s div. Vegetable varieties that have always been taste-neutral in the past decades – such as cauliflower and cabbage.
and tomatoes were again aromatic
Ds was even better in the ’70s, ’80s. In recent decades this has become worse and worse. It looks beautiful but taste is different…. It’s going to be that certain products have tasted better in your time.
it was more tasty because there were little if even convenience products.
I think that your taste perception has reduced; in old age, this is not unusual……