Wäre für euch ein Quereinstieg in einen Job interessant?
Mal was völlig neues kennenlernen, vielleicht auch einen Ortswechsel… Raus aus dem Alltag, immer ins Büro von 7 – 16 Uhr…
Ich bin leider jemand, der nicht mit 16 gesagt hat “Ich hab den Traumjob und den macht ich jetzt”… sondern ich habe in viele Job reingeschnüffelt und dann für mich geschaut, was mich reizt… Den Kundenkontakt zB…Vielseitigkeit… Kommunikation…
Change of location. So personally, I would never change for a job!
Otherwise, for me as an alternative, not so many things could be questioned…Sharfshooters or dog trainers…but the one is not so socially recognized and the other does not bring the annual gage I currently have…so only remains what I have been doing for decades… hacking the planet on the consoles…🧐☝️😈😏☺️.
I never really had real professional ideas because somehow nothing fits me. I have therefore done what offered itself and, after training and studying, did various activities, for example, even as an assistant worker.
I’ve arrived in my profession.
Saving the world:)
We can all do that together.
It was like that. It’s been in retail for a long time to find out that I don’t want to. I’m cross-editors in the office and have changed more often there and now have a very chilling job where I can drive my network forward 🙂 By the way, I’m a cross-editor.
Was 15 years working as a merchant in the retail trade, now I am a driver at the DB… Was a great decision!
comes to the job whether it’s interesting