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5 months ago

Definitely no (I’m going out of this compressor standing up and connected to a hose). Reasons:

  • The air supply is too low. Even a few meters you need plenty of pressure and flow. Follow: Barotrauma.
  • The pressure is not variable. Upstairs you’re crushing the lungs and downstairs too little. Follow: Lungenriss / Barotrauma
  • From this you would find a way to reduce the pressure below and the compressor would be 20x larger: The compressor does not separate water, which in the deep through the expansion of the pressure and the humidity immediately leads to the ironing of the pressure reducer. Follow: drowning because no air is coming
  • Now you connect a fat water separator. Unfortunately, someone runs with a cigarette or a car drives past the compressor. Follow: CO poisoning and drowning

If you had solved all these problems (so you’d probably have a breathing air compressor with a safety person at the top) you’d probably take damage. Either through DCS, Barotrauma, Essouflement, etc. Diving requires training, knowledge and skills. Don’t give a handbag and try.

5 months ago

They’re made to pump tires.

Water density was certainly not priority nr1.
So I wouldn’t try it in your place

5 months ago

What exactly is he supposed to compress under water? And believe that compressed air from a compressor is the last thing you want to do to your lung after Senfgas.

5 months ago

Then you can take an oxygen bottle. This is explicitly designed for it.