Would it be better to get a second cat?

I always had two tomcats.

One disappeared at the end of May and has never been seen since.

Now we don't really know what to do and I was hoping someone here might have some advice.

Our other cat had never been alone before. When we got him, we already had the other one and he grew up on a farm where there were always other cats around him.

My mother has a colleague at work who is currently trying to sell cats. The cats live on a farm, but none of them are neutered or spayed, and there are simply too many of them.

We're currently debating whether or not to take a look at the cats. On the one hand, we're still hopeful that our old cat will come back, but on the other hand, we don't want to leave our current tomcat alone forever because you can just tell he needs company.

What would you do if you were us? Should we get a second cat now or wait a bit longer?

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5 months ago

Wenn eure aktuelle Katze Freigänger ist braucht sie nicht unbedingt zweite Katze.

Ist sie Wohnungskatze dann sollte schon zweite Katze geholt werden.

Ich würde mir als Wohnungskatze aber keine vom Bauernhof holen.

5 months ago

Bei freigänger kommts drauf an ob er draußen auch „Freunde“ hat wenn ja kann man muss man aber nicht

wenn Wohnung ja auf jeden Fall

aber… zu erwachseneren Kater kein Kitten und Bauernhof würde ich da vollständig abraten