Wäre ein Suzuki Jimny 2021 ein guter Reisewagen für ein Rentnerpaar oder ist der zu klein?

Mir gefällt daß er recht kompakt ist und für die Stadt auch sehr wendig ist. Zudem finde ich es toll daß er Vierradantrieb hat. Jedoch habe ich bedenken ob man das gesamte Gepäck auch unter bringt, wenn man für 2 Wochen zu zweit verreisen möchte.

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4 years ago

Baggage goes if you don’t want to take 5 lockers.

As a motorhome I find it unsuitable as it is somewhat uncomfortable. on long distances is not so pleasant

For the first time, if this is still to be done, there are some problems

4 years ago

The Jimny is a swing box. You get seasick in there if the road is not absolutely smooth. In addition, the suspension is ancient technology, with leaf springs!

NoGo for people of age. Only for hunters or young people to surf.

Is not available at the moment.

4 years ago
Reply to  albatroz1102

I don’t know much about this, only that the wheelbase is further and therefore already has a better driving comfort.

4 years ago

I didn’t find the old Jimny so stupid until 2017. I find the current one with 102 hp quite impressive. as he has grown. Completely sufficient for 2 persons, even on longer distances. It is, of course, not to compare with my current Hyundai i40.

4 years ago

Do you want to buy it for 2 weeks or is it a rental car on site?

The car naturally depends on the requirements. Do you want to sleep in it or do you have a hotel?

4 years ago
Reply to  albatroz1102

I think so. I’d go with my daily car, but you don’t need an extra (uncomfortable) car.

4 years ago

Jeep or Suzuki, how many cars are you still in stock?

4 years ago
Reply to  albatroz1102

Suzuki is too micky

4 years ago

That’s enough for two.