Wäre die Menschheitsgeschichte anders verlaufen, wenn…?

..wenn, ich meine, er hieß Amenuis, ein berühmter Gemarne nicht als Kind von den Römern entführt worden wäre und von ihnen militärisch ausgebildet worden wäre?

Er wurde im Wald angegriffen statt auf dem offenen Feld wie viele vor ihm.

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1 year ago

It is important whether another Germanic army leader, instead of Arminius, would have acted similarly and would have been credible that the Roman rulers would have fallen in. If not, there would have been at least a Roman province of Germania.

The Rhine-Donau border with the relatively short section in between, with the Limes, was relatively well defended. Large watercourses as boundaries are ideal. Between the Elbe and the south of the Danube there is a much larger border difficult to guard. This limit would have had a much higher effort to maintain in the longer term. The profit Germaniens would probably have cost more resources than it would have.

Of course, in the province of Germania it would have come to a cult development which could not take place by the defeat of the Romans caused by Arminius. We would probably speak and write a Romanesque language here.

The problem of pandemics https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoninische_Pest and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprian_Pest would have stayed and the associated weakening of Roman rule https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldatenkaiser

The international migration caused by the Huns would also have been unaffected by this expansion of the Reich area and the border would have been significantly more difficult to defend.

Surely the story would have changed, but how is it hard to unlock and I have only mentioned the points that I have received ad hoc.

1 year ago

Not so great, I guess…

Maybe Germania would have become Roman province, but would it have been held or evacuated and abandoned, like Dacia and Agri Decumates?

If it had been held, perhaps more art and less militarism would have developed in Germany, but who knows?

1 year ago

I’d like to be done in history. A key event is changed, students then have to try to analyze the influence on history with the existing facts. But also shows how complex your question is. Usually you need a great deal of knowledge.