Wäre das unmoralisch?

Und zwar wenn man ein Unternehmer wäre, und Leute zu sehr niedrigen löhnen anestellt, und zwar unter der Norm in der Branche z.b.? Und obwohl das Unternehmen viel gewinn macht, ihre löhne niemals erhöht, sondern eher noch drückt. Dabei selber richtig abkassieren.

Wäre sowas unmoralisch, Chefs die sowas tun?

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8 months ago

No, it’s just stupid

There is a great need for wages and many potential workers who can cover them.

Thus, a natural competition among employers is created to make their offers more attractive than that of the competition, in order to obtain as many applicants as possible.

8 months ago

Sure, but gives enough to do this. They then have constantly changing employees, which is not so good for the company.

8 months ago
Reply to  Akzeptierer999

I think that’s what everyone has to do with themselves. Ultimately, it’s probably overvalued when you look at the big whole thing. Only without morality does a society not work, so you have less value for society than immoral man

8 months ago

Yes, however, there are those who work there voluntarily.

8 months ago

Yeah, I get it, but don’t change anything, so I mean, that’s why everyone has to deal with themselves. I would have a bad conscience to take off people and a competent team as an entrepreneur would also be better than anyone who does the least for a hunger wage.

8 months ago

How is it so beautiful: “If you pay peanuts, you’ll get monkeys…”