Wäre das gut , wenn alle häuser Seile nach unten , auf der Seite haben , wo Kletterpflanzen hochwachsen , für mehr grün?
Vielleicht mit für vögel essbaren Beeren oder so ?
Vor einer Weile hat es noch sich bewegt. Jetzt ist es schon gestorben 😭😭 warum ist es gestorben? Und wenn es so passiert, was sollte man machen um es zu retten? Der Arme 🥺😭
Ich habe mir gestern 2 junge Zebrafinken angeschafft, von einem Züchter den ich sehr gut kenne. Seit gestern rühren sie ihre Körner überhaupt nicht an … ich habe alles versucht, es steht Eifutter, Exotenfutter, Löwenzahn und Kolbenhirse drin. Nur die Kolbenhirse wird ganz, ganz wenig gefressen. Werden die mir verhungern oder essen die Finken wirklich…
Hello Alex
My house has grown all around (Efeu grows alone on the wall, blue rain and wine on wires, trees in front of the house, …
= Yes, there is, and I think it is beneficial…
It’s going to be all but not going well…
In some houses it is not technically possible (no soil for roots, sensitive façade insulation, large glass surfaces, too high, monumental protection…)
Shades Efeu to the trees, which yield to apples?
No, why would he?
Efeu is not a parasite, but only an epiphyt, that is, a seater who always remains within the crown of the carrier tree…
Efeu will be only old – often older than the bearer and then “must” the Efeu the guilty… IMHO always wrong…
…and quite wrong, the bad reputation…
Thanks for the link!
You’re right, my mom sent me if everyone knew it.
Efeu has a bad reputation
It is well known that façade green significantly improves the air quality, especially in cities.
It also cools the walls, which is a plus in the current weather conditions.
No, don’t think so.
Yes, Efeu is an evergreen plant that has fruit. To promote efeu does nature very well.
Can Efeu even grow on trees without harming them, perhaps in the forest?
Yes, of course! Can he and TUT he…
…that Efeu kills trees is a bad bear – Efeu remains inside the tree crown, protects the trunk from hail and sunburn…
…provides nesting place, bird food and for ALL Efeu blossoms a very important because a) late and b) abundant insect food…
Efeu does not harm the trees. It can only become a problem if it grows over the crown. It never happens.
I don’t know how you’re doing. But with me, in the room Lake Constance, there is a lot of efeu in the forest in the CH forest. Works very well. Where it doesn’t work, it’s in the tannenacker. They’re just too dark.
Read my answer to your question: in young or/and dense forest stocks is usually too dark, even for efeu…
…and your biogas plant feed idea is – with a permit – once again simply Mumpitz…
So could Efeu even be in forest forest?
It even grows without ropes. You just have to leave it. Efeu, wine… it’s all alone.
That would definitely be a way for more green 👍