Ward ihr schon einmal auf einem Metalkonzert?

Ich war heute mit meiner großen Enkelin zum Konzert von Babymetal in der Verti Music Hall in Berlin. Von der unsinnigen Lautstärke abgesehen, war es gar nicht so schlecht!

Interessiert euch Metalmusik bzw. würdet ihr es einmal testen?

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1 year ago

It’s great that you went with me or that your granddaughter wanted to go with you there.

Metal is not like metal. The quality varies as well as in all music areas, depending on how qualified the band is.

You’re right, live concerts seem to be even louder than they used to be, and metal bands are playing particularly loud.

I like Metal if it is very melodic and even more beautiful it is if the artists really master their instruments and voices and the text has a statement.

There are now a few recommendations from bands in the field that I think are really worth listening. To the tuning of Nightwish with Tarja as a singer and so it is even easier with the listening pleasures, with a reinterpretation of “Over the Hills and far Away” https://youtu.be/CwED4C5FJuo

The band Van Canto is very interesting, because the Metal A-Cappella sings out of drums, which is not true in the metal sector of my knowledge https://youtu.be/5gmQRpEAuKg

The band Within Temptation is also quite well known. The clip and the statement of the text also fits https://youtu.be/reGlno9aUpw

Other bands from the metal area I like personally because of the beautiful melodies are among others Xandria https://youtu.be/TnERwH885C0 epic https://youtu.be/dNoTvg0t52c Metalwings https://youtu.be/tKpvzjzCQXg and finally a ballad of your Lakaia (Veljanov) https://youtu.be/9zr_94uf13Q

1 year ago
Reply to  Neugier4711

Thank you for the star.

1 year ago

As a big music fan, I am not so often on concerts as I prefer to enjoy the music for me, and then if I like it. The volume is sometimes very exaggerated, I also find it, and in Metal it is certainly still annoying. Okay, the people who go there want that, remember that I’ve had a lot of ear noises before it lasted until the next day until it was better. But these were pop and rock concerts. Otherwise, thank God I have no problems with my ears. But they are more sensitive and therefore I find it a pity if one would permanently impair them by such a thing.

Now to Metal: I’m not a fan of it. Most of what’s going on under metal is nothing for me. I tried it several times, even by recommendations. There’s only a little here that makes me feel a bit. However, Symphonic metal (i.e. Nightwish) is something I like to hear, because here is melody and a mood in it that I can start with. I’ve known Baby Metal for a short time. I find the appearance of them attractive and the band in the background also rocks neatly. They also come to Vienna where I am home. This on the Do, 23.11. Don’t have cards, because that’s pretty or completely sold out. But I would have considered a visit to such a concert if I knew it timely and the band would have known for a long time.

I also find it very good that you are with the granddaughter, on the other hand. Have even read that the fanship of Baby Metal affects as well as all ages. I can imagine that, because they offer something musically and visually safe for quite all. , you have any access to them. “Echte Metalfans” often claim that BabyMetal would not be a real metal, but rather pop with adaptations to something that should be metal, or something similar. I don’t care, because everyone should hear what’s fun and don’t question styles, because they are blurring anyway.

1 year ago

Was already on several, both metal and rock. For me, metal concerts are quite the best experience you can do if you like the music. I’m not a fan of crowds at all and co, but I just feel right well. Don’t think I had much more other experiences with which I was so happy.

Rock concerts are also not bad, but for me do not have the same overwhelming feeling

1 year ago

Metal not, but Rock concert already.

1 year ago

Every year at least one metal festival and several concerts/tours.

The last I gave was the Thy Art is Murder Tour with Whitechapel, Fit for an Autopsy and Spite.

1 year ago

Sometimes the oat “stabs me” and then I like to hear metal….

Lord OF THE LOST – Last Words (Official Video)


Is that even metal?

Black Sabbath ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’


The HU – Wolf Totem (Official Music Video)




Not to forget:

Misheard Lyrics “Pride Shall Fall”


>>>> Pride Shall Fall – Sure (You make the cocoa ColdMirror live version)


1 year ago

2011 in June I was on a Rob Zombie Konzi in Berlin. It was nice. But so far my only real metal concert. Otherwise I was at most on rock concerts.

1 year ago

I’m a huge fan of metal, but I haven’t made it to a concert yet.

1 year ago

Although metal (metallica, iron maiden etc) but due to the fact that crowds are nothing for me (I don’t even like folk festivals or the like) you won’t see me at a concert

1 year ago

Yes, more often.

1 year ago

Yeah, some of them.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  edgar1279

Just when rock and metal musicians sing ballads, you can see what band really can do. I could imagine that last song that I posted on this question as an answer, you might also like it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Neugier4711

I don’t see any answer from you

1 year ago

The only ballad I like from a metal band is Sound of Silence from Disturbed.

1 year ago

I’ve been through everything before, but there was no answer. I think GoodFrage has a server problem. If I go to your profile, it won’t work either. The song is still not my taste, sorry.

1 year ago

Nice way, my answer was put to the top of the page if you set “Relevatest Answer First”.

1 year ago

The tinnitus I already have is enough for me…