War sie einfach nur neidisch?
Meine Schwester hat den Kontakt zu mir abgebrochen. Sie hat mich zu reisen eingeladen und wir hatten viel Spaß doch als sie zum Geburtstag meines Bruders zurück in die Heimat kam und ich sagte das ich keinen Job habe. Sie war Sauer. Ich brauchte aber keinen. Ich lebte sehr gut von meinem Vaters Geld. Reiste viel und konnte mir schönen Luxus kaufen. War sie dann einfach nur neidisch? Danach kam nichts mehr. Es macht mich sehr traurig das ich sie verloren habe. Ich höre gerade eine Fugue und denke an sie.
Just call her and ask what’s going on.
Not envious, but your sister doesn’t like lazy fuzzies that can be held
When do I wear it?
Your father. Possibly that the sister’s later inheritance will be smaller because you’re lying on his pocket. And two hours ago, you’ll ask how you can beg him again. You know what?
You don’t have to deal with any crap!
Listen to Troll, this is boring
@ Gorkon and that’s why you break contact with relatives of first degree? Underground – underground unfortunately also to gout such behavior.
Then you didn’t understand it, because you can assume that there are more things that weren’t okay
She doesn’t notice anything but we…Troll otherwise nix, this is more boredom than any envy problem
I don’t care what you want. I’ve never paid Hartz four or cash.
Yeah, I think so.
You’re savouring your father, making you a beautiful life and wondering why the sister is mad, who probably deserves everything herself and doesn’t gamble around.
What do you think? You already have problems with 2 digits.
Then you just bounced the money, instead of making something meaningful from what your life secures.
Your sister is certainly not jealous of this, but she is probably sad when she sees what has become of you and I can understand that.
Why doesn’t anyone answer you? Because you absolutely don’t know what’s really the truth with you.
Of course, I’ve lost it.. She doesn’t know what I’m up to. We haven’t been in contact for two years. What would I have done to make sense of what my life secures?
Working like any normal person doing this
She has no understanding of your embrittlement, and she’s showing you now. I can understand this very well as I have written.
And no, it’s not natural if you just bounce the money instead of sharing it.
Your submission, she’s jealous is just unharmed. You’re sure you’re not jealous of a guy who doesn’t make senseless money, that’s at most pitiful.
@ Maja and if you’re “traurig” you’re cold-hearted to break off contact…
Do you think she’s stupid? If you suddenly came to money, she’ll be able to think where it comes from.
Apart from criticizing your sister, you should reconsider your behavior.
She doesn’t know anything about it!