War mein Verhalten richtig?

Hi ich stand heute vormittag am Bahnhof ind habe zwei jugendlich (ca 12 odrr 13 jahre alt) gesehen die zu nah am gleis waren also nicht hinter der Sicherheitslinie. Als ich dann aber gesehen habe das der Zug kommt habe ich sie angeschrien da ich ein bisschen weiter weg stand das sie HINTER die Sicherheitslinie gehen sollen und nicht davor und sie habe mich nur dumm angeschaut und auch andere haben gesagt das sie wegkommen sollen da sie durch den ein sog entsteht. Hinterher haben sie mich gefragt ob das Absicht war und ich habe ja gesagt und gefragt ob die vom Zug verfasst werden wollen und der eine Ja ich habe dann nicht weiter gesagt (da saß ich in der bahn schon drin) aber war es richtig von mir das ich sie angeschiren habe das sie Hinter die Sicherheitslinie sollen oder nicht?

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6 months ago

If you want to arrive on time, and don’t want to have a traumatic experience, that was completely right. In addition, there should actually be children who have not yet had the experience or know how strong the train’s yard can be. So double right!

6 months ago
Reply to  treppensteiger

I’ve seen a “harder” version of it on climbing. A papi with a woman and a child, the father, as the one with the most clue of climbing, still did not know how to secure correctly, and has been false (ineffective), and his wife and child has just as wrongly secured. He didn’t even think he was doing something wrong! “I’ve always done this, there’s never happened before.” I was climbing there, with a group of children. How would you have reacted?

6 months ago

Yeah, it was right.

To the one who said he wanted to be picked up by the train, I would have offered him an ice cold to bring him to the high bridge that he can jump down there. Maybe he can see what he actually said.

6 months ago

screaming might not be quite appropriate, but shouting loud would certainly be appropriate.

6 months ago

Screaming was unnecessary. The note, however, is good.

6 months ago

Yes was absolutely right. Maybe not screaming, but doesn’t matter if they don’t hear anything else? but maybe not scream next time.

6 months ago
Reply to  Nobody0512

No ding 🙂

6 months ago

There are no more security lines. You’ve got something like that. The white stripes at the edge of the platform are idr.

6 months ago
Reply to  Calamariss

of course there are still safety lines

6 months ago
Reply to  BoloBb

It may be, in front of all where diesel locomotives drive which have a broader towing vehicle or in old trains, where from the bottom on the body is wider than the platform edge. I live in the city, there is something as good as no more