War es am 11. September wirklich ein Flugzeug?
Vielleicht war es ja auch ein Ufo oder sowas, und die Regierung will nicht, dass wir’s wissen
Vielleicht war es ja auch ein Ufo oder sowas, und die Regierung will nicht, dass wir’s wissen
Darf man mit Stahlkappenstiefel an den Füßen fliegen oder sind solche Schuhe nicht erlaubt?
i would like to know on which side the pilot sits (right or left) who controls a helicopter?
Wenn man dort Flüge buchen möchte.. ist es dann vertrauenswürdig?
Hallo, ich möchte gerne Pilot bei der Lufthansa werden. Leider stellt die LH keine Piloten mehr ein und man hört von vielen Arbeitslosen Piloten. Bei Ryanair und co. möchte ich nicht arbeiten, da man da total ausgebeutet wird. Gibt es denn garkeinen Weg? Alternativ könnte ich auch Luft- und Raumfahrtechnik studieren – das finde ich…
Hey, ist es möglich aus Deutschland für jemanden aus dem Ausland ein Flugticket zu buchen? Oder muss die Person es im jeweiligen Land ( hier Ägypten) buchen? Liebe Grüße
of course, it was a defective UFO, the drive was overloaded after the 5 million light years approach to maximum speed
and the government was so willing that within a few seconds it has faked ALL evidence including private recordings, etc.
All the hangings before, during and after the stops are already a little strange. But that planes are flying, I don’t think it’s a debate.
Let’s think.
Thousands of people have seen the planes. Parts of the machines and mortal remains of the passengers have been found. The planes were tracked on the radar screens. And people in the planes have telephoned with other people during kidnapping.
And now it should have been a Ufo?
Somehow not very plausible.
Yes, somehow
And how do you want to reconcile this with the facts I have mentioned?
Regardless of the opinion of the wire pullers: There are enough eyewitnesses who have definitely seen two planes.
There were not two, but even four planes involved in this assassination.
And they were seen by thousands of people….
Bullshit. I guess you can see very well on the film that it was a plane.
Is it really reason or even superstition and alu hat?
Recordings confirm the suspicion that it was about aircraft 😉
Must have been a UFO. Aircraft can’t fly so deep.
there are videos and pictures of the impact…
the government was it. loose change
I suggest you put the Alu hat briefly (apparently the one presses on your brain) and you thoroughly over the 11. to inform September. ideally in case of serious sources and not about any conspiracy theorists.
And she faked all the TV pictures…
Who knows
What’s that on the live TV images what flies into the Twin Towers, a cigar-shaped hull with protruding wings has a kind of round flower pots hanging on?? What was seen by countless eyewitnesses???
What if not two planes???