War die Ukraine 1918 ein Vasallen Staat von Deutschland und Österreich Ungarn?

Oder war es später sogar ein eigener Nationalstaat

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1 year ago

On 17th (30th) In December 1917, a Central Executive Committee of Soviet Ukraine in Kharkiv proclaimed the Ukrainian People’s Republic of Soviets (also the Ukrainian People’s Republic of Soviets or the Soviet Ukrainian People’s Republic) as an autonomous republic within Soviet Russia. It included small parts of eastern Ukraine around Charkiw. In March 1918, the Soviet Republic of Ukraine declared itself an independent state.

After dissolution ofCentralna Radathe Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) by the German occupying power became on the 29th World War April 1918 with the support ofMedium powersthe short-livedUkrainian State( Ukrainian Українска держава Ukrajinska derschawa) founded, also called Hetmanat (ukrainisch Гетьманат Het’manat).

This wasRussian Civil Warafter the invasion ofRed ArmyAt the beginning of 1920 dissolved and asUkrainian Socialist Soviet RepublicinSoviet Russiaincluded.


1 year ago

Look, here. We just had the question:

I think that was answered well.

1 year ago

Austria Hungary has occupied a part of Ukraine and took a little more during the war with the Russian Empire.

Ukraine was as far as I know no state of its own until the resolution of the Soviets in the 90s