War das eine normale Wirkung?
Hatte gestern etwas geraucht gehabt. Davor hatte ich mal cbd geraucht und gestern sollte es was stärkeres als cbd sein. Ich weiß selber nicht was mein Kollege da hatte.
mir ging es gestern sehr beschissen, habe meine Umgebung kaum wahrnehmen können und mein Kollege sprach die ganze Zeit. Wenn ich an gestern denke, kommen mir die Sachen, die ich getan hab vor, als wären sie nicht passiert.
Davor habe ich nie gekifft, war mein erstes Mal, was auch immer das war.
Wann geht diese anhaltende Wirkung weg?
No expert but would say that was a quite normal bad trip or you just smoked too much or have no low tolerance what would be possible even if you never knocked before I can tell you from my own experience that this, persisting effect” will always be less and less after 2 days at the latest, you will find everything normal again I used to get too much smoke at a low tolerance
Did you have these effects on every ciff?
Ne just when I’ve cut too much meanwhile, there’s nothing happening to me
Haha ne that is definitely not the state that you normally want to achieve no care is actually quite nice if you don’t exaggerate otherwise you have the right Paranoia you don’t want to know what I had already imagined when I was too crowded
Oh, I thought everyone had such an effect and then I wondered how to smoke like a nightmare again:D
Undesired side effects due to cannabis are mostly due to excessive cannabinoid absorption.
The noise experience is usually a little traumatic and very present in the initial memory after consumption, but decreases significantly in intensity from day to day with each sleep phase.
Nothing dramatic. This can also be experienced with an excessive amount of alcohol or other substances.
That’s really bad I’ll never want to smoke a joint again voluntarily.
I’m happy for you. Then more cannabis remains for those who have learned to deal with it.
Yes, side effects disappear forever.
but these side effects disappear forever? I didn’t cuff daily or occasionally my first time it was
I didn’t know. I don’t even know how to build one. My colleague was guilty when he had a number of years ago, he must know how it is with beginners. I thought the effect occurred directly.
For the first time, who has not noticed anything yet, despite repeated attempts, should leave it with one, two trains and then wait 20 minutes to see if a high is set up and if you can still control this high. The principle is ‘Start low and go slow’.
Other smarts – like me – also say ‘Dosis sola facit venenum’
An excessive amount of cannabinoids leads to undesirable side effects…
Isn’t that the first time it’s tricked? Or does everyone find it so great and smoke again?
Then that was not a cbd what you smoked, but normal grass. And yes what you described is completely normal on gras when you have a “bath trip”. I’m sure you’re just a person who doesn’t wear grass
Yeah could never smoke a real joint because he was too strong. And I am also non-smoking and started withAlk too late
Personally, I’m just like that, I still smoked more and more joints because I thought it would be better. But have all else tolerate, really just no grass 🤷 ♀️ hangs a lot with the psyche
Not only once but so for 1 year every day (but I was only 14 and could not think or so) but now I would never touch the stuff anymore
So you were like me the first time and you still dared to smoke again?