War das ein Fehler mir die Fuji X-H2 statt der X-H2s zu kaufen da ich in der Halle immer mit ISO 6.400 oder ISO 8.000 fotografiere?
Habe Fuji Support angerufen und die meinten der Unterschied bzw. die Vorteile der X-H2s sei sehr gering durch den Sensorunterschied, dennoch lese ich immer wieder Tests in denen man hätte die X-H2s bei höheren ISO Werten vorziehen sollen. Was stimmt denn nun?
You just bought the camera and now you’re bothering.
There is no difference if you compare both cameras with the same image size. See here:
Studio shot comparison: Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)
Let the pixel peeping and focus on photographing. If you want more noise-free images, a full format and a powerful lens would be the appropriate means and not another APS-C.
Oh Christl, you should know that this is nonsense. If the lens is not strong enough, each camera (any matter what) will raise the sensitivity!
You can buy cameras as much as you want: nothing will change!
I know what I’m talking about: Take an objective with f2,8 or better and you’ll be right. Get a Voigtländer Nokton (and get used to the prices and manual focusing) or another shard with f1,2 and better!
And then separate yourself from your camera collection (or do it in the showcase – I also have one) and get a good full format cam.
And then experiment with first-class lenses – a new world is up!
My lens has f 2.8 and a full format is nothing for me because I need the rough.
“because I’m using it??????????
I don’t know what you’re doing wrong. But any other camera you buy next is subject to the same physical laws as all others!
But I’m afraid it doesn’t make much sense to discuss further, because:
What else can I say? I’m definitely not perfect – actually “imperfekt” – and I appreciate the hints of Kermit and Uneternal very much!
For such pictures (sport hall) I make a CZJ 2.8/200mm on my A7R2, have a lot of reject, but always fine pictures.
I started with the Canon EOS 350D, which, of course, is overloaded with high ISO and, in addition, I did not have the high-light lens at that time. Also the pictures. Only with the Canon EOS 60D the photos were significantly better and with the Canon EOS 7 DMark II a further progress was made.
It will be
I’ve been practicing for 14 years, so I also have experience, my first photos in the first years were to run away!
It’ll be my claims.
But we already know that you are perfect.
I don’t. I have to learn. a lot even!
You have a lot of committee? Then you do something wrong.. I can use over 95% of my photos, almost without committee.
Instead of buying a camera, you should invest your money in a photo course where the technology is explained. So that you can set up your equipment independently in the future and make settings.
possessing 10 (or more) digital cameras obviously doesn’t make you a professional.
I’ve only got 8 cameras since I sold three. It will not be less, but also no more.
A photo course doesn’t help me, because I have 10 years of experience in what I’m photographing.
What are you photographing with an APS C this must be like crazy?
In so far I would like to take a photo course here would be better than to have zig cameras that you don’t know
Haha I have to laugh because it’s so good 😀
You lack the experience… below 1/500stel, the images are shaking as there is motion blur. I must freeze the picture and I must be faster than 1/500stel. With 1/640 I have made the best experience in the last 10 years.
I’d turn the time off. 1/125 or 1/250. And if the Sporti’s are even faster, that’s what it is, six hundred forty-fourths listen to me quite unusually.
Got f2,8 and 1/640stel exposure time. Mostly ISO 6.400 to ISO 8.000.
Sorry Christl, I don’t think so! I know the usual sports halls and they are really well lit. Either you try to balance the motion blur with lustful exposure times or you use an almost blind shard!
Then it’s not the question…then it doesn’t matter.
If you do it “very hard”, it doesn’t matter to you. Both are equally strong for you (or equally weak). That’s all right. It’s about your pictures for you.
The question is if you can see that with a blose eye. I’m doing very hard.
Yes, you can also know that. H2 = 40MP, H2s = 26 MP. And of course, the H2 is “more” out of it, with the H2s reduced to 26MP
well. With your knowledge, you can find out for yourself. You don’t need a laity forum.
It’s already, but not whether it’s the best of ISO noise…
If you look so good, you know if it’s the right camera.
I can’t teach a photo course. Know me with the camera and isolates. In the hall you need ISO 6.400 or ISO 8.000….