Wann Zahlwörter groß und klein?
Kann mir jemand sagen woher man erkennt das es als Nomen verwendet wird? Sitze schon lange dran verstehe es aber nicht weil man im Internet keine Erklärung findet.
Bei dem unteren genauso, woher weiß ich das es eine Zahl ist? Das obere ist doch auch eine Zahl?
Hello iwowwoww!
Standing ahead the word for the number a indefinite or specific Article 2, then it’s a nomen:
The six, a four, these four…
Follow the word for the number a Nomen, then it is attributive and is written small:
“There are three runners around the corner. There are seven swans flying.”
And quite refined the combination of both rules. Instead of an article, there can also be a number word: “He dice two five.”
The explanation is there:
If there is an article before the number, it is noun (Nomen).
He gets a Sechs in Mathe.
She has a Sechs.
It is a number word if something counts:
six books, six apples, …
In the example, a six as »Ding«, so The Six denotes.
In the six players the Number of players denotes.
So the number itself is written large, the number of things is written small.
If you can hang an article from it, it’s a nom and is written big. If you count something, it’s written.
Thank you. At the lower one is also an article before but I guess it is not used as noms because here the article “The” is already standing and you can’t hang any more, right?
The “the” refers to the players. Players are counted. It’s six.
The article at the bottom refers to the players, not to the six. “six” you count, how many Players are.