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Can be used more frequently than many think.
I always turn off at the red light on idling. This is how the gear rests and does not have to be braked. What makes sure the transducer is not stressed.
Other answers were given.
Hello madlu
N only needs to be pushed or pulled. (e.g. in washing lines)
Greetings HobbyTfz
Not really. It’s not different with a switch. But whenever the engine is to run in the stand. There are many different possibilities.
N=Neutral, is the idling during the automatic transmission. The engine is to run, but the vehicle does not move with engine power when you leave the brake pedal. Typically on “riding” in a washing street.
Zb at HU to carry out the environmental investigation. You also need to push the car back or forth for setting up on the lifting platform or for assembly work.
In washing streets, workshops, moving.
Rare to not
versus how often …
For example, in the washing street, so that the car can roll in idle. Or when towing by means of rod or rope.
Automatic cars should not be towed.
As good as never.
versus how often …
1 times a month, I am taking the N- 12 times a year.
Question answered correctly How often use 🙂
touch your own nose.
answer your question.
the one answers as good as never!
“how often” I answered your answer. as you have said “how often” so let’s stay here in the answer and you mimic it with my other answers.
The German language is hard, isn’t it?
The questioner asks about the time. And you answer to the Wie-oft. And with When does he not mean Monday 12:00 to advance the next ach-so-lusty smiley.