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8 months ago

Depending on the package center, and you will not see it (send tracking) the packages usually arrive at 3:00 the next deposit. The package center near me, for example, really works only from 4-11 o’clock and from 14-20 o’clock (usually, then the scans take place in the depot, even if packages wait for the scan) I used to be in the depot at lunchtime, there were dead pants (2 delivery vehicles that were loaded and a few office workers)

But our depot is also rather a “province depot” in the corner of Germany. In Neuenstein it is believed to be working 24/7.

8 months ago

I don’t know if I understood the question correctly, you want to know why they work from Sunday to Monday? In the morning at 7.00 (sometimes sooner) the delivery of the parcels will be taken from the depot. In order to be able to do this, the packages must be sorted in the distribution centers beforehand. It’s just the night before. This is also the case with other parcel services.