Wann wird bei der Zubereitung eines Gerichtes Fleisch gerieben?
Es ist gebraten und es wird dann etwas abgerieben/mit dem Messer? abgeschabt.
Es entstehen dann so kleine Fitzelchen wie Pulver oder Fasern.
Bei welchem Gericht macht man das? Mir fiel noch ein, dass das Pulver/die Fasern auf andere Gerichte, vlt. Gemüse/Gemüseaufläufe aufgestreut wurden.
This is done in the Bohemian cuisine. The meat we eat finer and dry (ab-)even as so-called. Shame.
Net result:
Thank you.
I even found “small, dried heart from Damhirsch”.
Not at all. As some have already mentioned, there are pulled beef, which is pulled apart when it is soft with 2 forks.
But I like to use Gulasch meat for pan dishes or spices, which I first freeze and then cut half frozen very thin. It is then placed in soy sauce (bright ) with some soybean for a few hours. This is a trick from Asian cuisine and so the meat becomes tender like a steak or fillet – depending on the duration of the inserting. If, however, the meat was left in it for a long time, it would be completely disintegrated.
That’s how I make my Dönerspieß small.
I could only introduce myself to beef tartar. Was previously scraped with the knife, therefore also called scrap meat.
In the Tatars it was placed under the saddle and so it was murmured and then scraped. So also Tatar.
Meat is not rubbed, rather gewolft e.g. Tatar. Or cooked for so long that the meat disintegrates into its fibers, for example, pulled pork.
small is relative.
Pulled Pork/Pulled Chicken would make my sense.
sounds more like hand-made Kobe ripening.
Do you mean “Pulled Pork” or minced meat? The first is simply plucked after cooking and minced meat is rotated by the meat grinder*. Ideally cut with the knife, that would be the gourmet variant.
*PS.: I hate the “ALDI” variant, where the minced meat is pressed quickly and with high pressure, and then these almost inedible ” sausages” arise. Disgusting.
I can honestly only imagine this with baby food, as there were at least a few years ago meat pulp from 100% beef or chicken. That was really such a paste, I bought it when my dog toothed. For Brei, it would have to crawl extremely fine, at least there were hardly any fibers recognizable…
This must be done by a meat good (hack meat), or chop it fine for a long time. or you cook it so long at low temperature that it falls apart like at pulled Pork
Meat is never rubbed.
You may mean something like Pulled Pork, which is cooked for as long as it almost breaks down into its fibers by itself.
Meat is not rubbed but comminuted with the meat grinder, in Austria it is called fascating and in Germany is used among other wolfs
The only meat you can rub is dry meat.
However, I have never heard that there are recipes.
I made a “grained broth” from powdered dry meat, with also dried and powdered herbs and vegetables. I don’t know any recipes.
thanks, that comes very close
Geriebene meat? So minced meat?
You don’t rub meat at any court.
Meat could be “twisted”. My mutti has often scraped liver.