Wann wieder Alkohol trinken?

Hey.. ich nehme seit ca. 5 Wochen Antidepressiva. Ich hatte nach 3 Tagen nur einen halben Apfelwein getrunken, hab nichts vom Alkohol gemerkt, bin aber in der Nacht umgekippt. War kurz bewusstlos. Ich hab gehört, dass man einen bestimmten Spiegel erreichen muss um wieder mit Antidepressiva trinken zu können. Wie lange sollte ich warten?

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2 years ago

Without knowing what an antidepressant (the active ingredient) is, your question cannot be answered.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonym2936292

Paroxetin is an antidepressant from the SSRI group which is approved for the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders and forced diseases.

According to the list of medicinal products, there were no interactions between paroxetin and alcohol in clinical studies. This does not mean, however, that you can give you the edge. Such studies are carried out with comparatively small amounts of both substances.

2 years ago

There are no studies for this….

2 years ago

I heard you had to reach a certain mirror to drink with antidepressants again.

This is total nonsense and can end evil. You already got a warning shot in front of the bug, take it seriously. Drugs should be used to avoid alcohol, because drugs will burden the liver and the alcohol in addition.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonym2936292

If possible, you shouldn’t drink. One can drink a glass, problem is only that most of them do not stay there and especially not daily.

By the way, you’re talking about it. Over a long time. So you want to regularly load your liver with alcohol over a long time? That sounds like you’re gonna have to compensate for something with alcohol. No good idea, even without drugs.

This is not to be compared with an antibiotic that goes over a few days and then drink alcohol. This is another league.

The long term is the deciding one and your liver would always get one on the lid and cannot recover from previous actions.

2 years ago

Take the chance to dispense with alcohol!

Even if this will take a time until your desire is minimized, in combination with the medications, you should not even eat rumrosines or Mon Cheri.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You should discuss this with the prescribed doctor. Only this is qualified to make concrete recommendations in your specific case.

2 years ago

You should not drink alcohol at all if you take antidepressants.