Wann werden Könige gewählt?
König Wilhem der zweite und die Familie ist ja noch König von Deutschland und laut TikTok hat er Familie. Wie ist das denn mit der Familie und wird der dann gewählt oder werden dann einfach immer wieder die Söhne und Töchter Könige weil das wurde auf TikTok nicht gesagt. Kann er eigentlich Merz oder Scholz rauskicken oder geht das nicht?
Kings are usually not elected. And only right in Germany
Hello john53553,
even if you do not believe or understand; there is no aristocracy in Germany and no more kings.
Germany hasn’t had aristocracy for a long time, so no one can be elected to the king or emperor.
But life in this castle with politicians who always meet there
Who are “the”, what a medal, facts please and not “believe”.
But they first met and gave away a medal for something that was also credible in the news for peace or something
He wasn’t king, nor is he now or.
They’re chosen by TikTok. You have to be careful.
Life in this castle where politicians always meet
But he is called Georg Friedrich von Prussia and does not want to be king or emperor.
So you have to re-elect. It used to be the Kurfürsten. They don’t exist anymore.
Then TikTok has to vote.
Make a suggestion.
That’s exactly what I mean.
I mean the ones from this castle and they have also given such a medal
What you mean is the heirmonarchy (see England). The title is inherited and no one is “elected”. In countries where the monarchy was abolished, the monarchies and their descendants did not suddenly disappear. They continue to live there, but have no influence anymore. They are more or less tolerated.
This has been abolished, we are a democracy and not a monarchy, and the nobility can still have its titles, but that’s it too!
But they live in this castle and always meet
Yes, of course, they still have possessions, but they have nothing to say. The elected Members or the Government and the President of the Federal Republic are our elected Head of State.
We do not live in a democracy in a monarchy
Life in this castle in Berlin
May this be the one who live there, there are also princes in Germany, for example Prince Ernst August of Hanover, but they have nothing to say in Germany because, as said democracy, not monarchy
In England the Royals are very well known, but they have nothing to do with the government. In Emgland the Head of State is called Premieminister
Okay and in England?
Titles of rule are inherited that is correct. They also have some representative tasks..As the Medallia loan you mentioned, only they do not have anything to do with the government like in the Middle Ages. You cannot decree or prohibit laws or anything else as the kings of the old fairy tales can
But they have recently given such a medal to a politician for peace or so it was also in the news. Look at these, in any case, but how is it now that the sons and daughters come to office just like in England?