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In “direct speech” there is at the beginning a profound 99-legal sweetheart ( looks like two commas), at the end a high 66-legal sweetheart ( looks like two mirrored commas). When “another direct speech” is quoted in a direct speech, simple goosephs of the same form are used.
On both sides high-ranking goosephews occur in language science when one cites the translation of a foreign language, e.g. Hindī जंगल yesṅgal ‘Wald, jungle’. In most cases one takes simple (the exact shapes are 6-up and 9-up).
In other languages Other (Also in Switzerland). According to Duden, foreign-language quotes are written within German texts with German references, but I do not think of that — “Good bye”.
I’ll bet both at the top of Sarkasmus and at the bottom and at the bottom of the word.
This is your personal, “creative” spelling. This does not follow an applicable rule.
“Interest me, tell me more”
Goose feet are always written down and up in the literal speech
Tom asks: “Lena, where is Mom?”
Both upwards are rather not used in the German of my knowledge in English if a quote is in the literal speech.
Hope I could help
Greetings NoraKeefe and her cat
“Gensefüßchen, as you call the quotations or quotations, by the way, is written with “β”, the teacher said. “The opening quotation marks are set below, the closing above. Any questions?”