Wann weiß ich ob ich angenommen wurde?

Hey, ich hab mich für eine Ausbildung entschieden die am 01.02.2025 anfängt jetzt hab ich eine Frage ich hatte mein Bewerbungsgespräch und habe meine Sachen alle dahin geschickt. Jetzt ist meine Frage wann bekomme ich Bescheid ob ich angenommen bin oder nicht?

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5 months ago

Frequently, but not always, the interview indicates when you can expect a decision.

If no period was called, I would call about three weeks after the conversation. I would like to say kindly that I would like to know something about the status of my application and when I can expect an answer. So you’ll show that you’re still interested without quengeling.

Tip for the next time: You can ask as a candidate at the end of a conversation how the further application process looks and when you get in touch with yourself.

6 months ago

As soon as the company has looked at your stuff and decided to take care of all the other applicants. Then you will get a call, email, letter or other, and then you know it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Alenakey

No many companies are no longer reporting on a cancellation, there is no obligation to do so. Therefore, you should always have several applications running simultaneously

6 months ago
Reply to  Alenakey

It is not possible to say a flat-rate period that depends on the operation.

Most of them report to you when you were rejected, yes

6 months ago
