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Was war das leckerste das ihr je gegessen habt?
Erzählt mal, bei mir war es eine Pizza, die ich in Italien gegessen habe.
5 years ago
Why not?
because it tastes so good, unhealthy and so
Last night
2 Cheeseburger and 1 MC Flurry with Oreo and Schokosauce
9 years ago in Rome.
But not McDoof. There was one too, but even when I see it, I get stomach pain.
No, fast food in Rome was pizza on hand from a very small shop. Despite fast food style.
Today is the 18.09.
About 3 weeks ago
For years now, I’m making fast food myself, because it tastes better, for example, two cheeseburgers with spicy cheese, onion rings and self-made cocktail sauce yesterday.
3 weeks ago
This was again the same fast food where I usually go
Greeting, GK
Have eaten a little yogurt before…
Was real “fast food” because after 1 minute eaten… and then from the office
On Sunday
About two years ago at Subway.
Two years, a good time!
Last week, coffee. (:
Something like McDonalds, Burger King etc. I avoid completely.
And I’ll be at Mc, breakfast.
Saturday lunch and dinner.
in June when I went to my holiday home
I had a cheeseburger at the butcher
For longer
This is probably 10 years ago and will not happen in the future. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Fast food from MC, Burger King, KFC and other chains I avoid, like the devil. I probably haven’t eaten that for 20 years.
That was at least 30 years ago.
So long?!
I don’t like the stuff. And it’s unhealthy too.