Wann wart ihr das erste mal in eurem Leben high?
Kann wegen allem möglichen sein, Muskatnuss, Deo, Nagellackentferner, Haschisch, Lachgas, Kleber, Kondomen alles ist egal mit was
Und JA mit alle diesen Sachen kann man in einen Rauschartigen Zustand kommen!!!
I drank some alcohol before that.
But with 15 I sniffed the whole hour at school on a wood glue adhesive because it smelled so good. I didn’t know how to intoxicate it at that time and didn’t notice much. But afterward, I wondered why the whole hour was so inconceivable funny. Even the teacher asked me what was going on with me.
Note: Although drug use is in principle associated with certain risks and can be regarded as particularly risky in childhood, it should be stressed that nutmeg and sniff substances such as Deo are extremely risky drugs. Also the use of hashish can have unpleasant consequences, but nutmeg and deo can lead to serious physical damage and even to death. Consumption is urgently advised!
General information:
Why, did you consume nutmeg?
No, I didn’t. Nor do I have to warn against the consequences.
The question is generally about noise conditions, also for example about alcohol.
But only and rarely of alcohol.
With body drugs probably already as a fetus;-).
How please do you get “Condomens” High?!
Otherwise, the first time I’ve cut / kekse, did I eat at 17/18?
If you put condoms with taste in hot water, it’s steaming, this breathing you and drinking the water
wtf… that sounds anything but healthy.
People prefer to grind before you make SOWAS or sniff nail polish remover and glue!
I always think about this: Yes, CDU/CSU loves your damn rigid drug policy, making people try such a shit because it’s not illegal.
Can Flavoured Condoms Actually Get You High? We Asked to Expert., https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjkkbw/flavoured-condoms-cheap-high-drugsalcohol
That sounds extremely rough 🤮
Grass with 19 (feared because of the side effects if the brain is not yet fully developed), although alcohol also counts with 16
Having made some wrong choices and taking dxm pills (10) on empty then was completely in the ass my friends had to carry me home 3 times puke and thought for I had died but after the horror a enlightenment when you called that so called Ka that changed my life, and indeed really crass in the positive but we don’t know if I would do that again
As a bride after the wedding party I was slightly fond of the many attacks with champagne…but that was already! Didn’t even call Kater the following day, so it wasn’t so bad. (Hab my sect stretched with o juice…)
And otherwise you never drank in your life? Krass 😀
Yes, but I never drank over thirst!
So A glass of wine/beer/sect ok, rarely a second… that was already. That’s all I need.
was Alk eim eim Ki birthday!
I sometimes smell glue. I was really intoxicated at 12 times, I think.
13 keep such alcohol, nicotine poisoning so much as grass. And then stop all that went – grass, speed, E, Lsd, cocaine, heroin – the whole thing was drunk 20 after. Don’t worry. I often drink black tea…
Alcohol with 15, grass with 16 and with 18 something else.
If you mean high, never before. On the other hand, I’ve been too often. How to get high from condoms?
If you put condoms with taste in hot water, it’s steaming, this breathing you and drinking the water
is that true?
It’s not intended for consumption. Unclear what’s in there and what you’re doing to your body. It seems comparatively risky and harmful.
and why
No. I wouldn’t.
How cool did you try that?
Read here: Can Flavoured Condoms Actually Get You High? We Asked to Expert., https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjkkbw/flavoured-condoms-cheap-high-drugsalcohol
Never, and I’m fucking proud of that. I don’t need noise.
13 gras
13 xtc
14 l
19 But I am not yet mature enough
I’m curious
From grass and alcohol never before
Faith with 13 but because of Lachgas😂
Same but with 12 and it was because of an op where I came in general anesthesia
From glue, felt pencils, nail varnish and co you get net high – before you cook
What are you doing with the dep da?
And condoms?
Well, of lachgas you really have a net so high.