Wann wäre mein Geld auf dem Konto?
Heute habe ich mein Taschengeld von meinem Vater bekommen und es ist immer noch nicht drauf wir sind beide bei der gleichen Bank allerdings ist heute Feiertag und brauche das Geld morgen bekomme ich das Geld am Samstag oder Montag?
Depends on how and when Dad turned over.
Before booking closure or after that, reliant or unoccupied, normal or with real-time transfer.
I made three real-time transfers today, and all were in the recipient’s account after a few seconds.
If it has not been credited today, you will have the entrance at the earliest on Monday.
If you need the money right away, you have to transfer it to you via real-time transfer. Otherwise it takes two bank days and at the moment are holidays.
Saturday is not a bank working day.
Your money will only flow to your bank account on Monday.
Early on Monday.
Monday is the money on it