Wann versteht die Menschheit endlich das nicht noch mehr Menschen-Massen produziert werden müssen?

Das ist wie wenn man abnehmen müsste aber stattdessen immer weiter zu nimmt weil es ja so Lecker ist!Und noch mehr Übergewicht produziert!

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1 month ago

We will never see that, because the greatest people are usually the strongest and want to have the say. There are ways to keep the population at an appropriate level. It used to be wars, diseases, plagues and diseases, USW. Earth is now only able to feed a limited number of people and animals. And at some point, the day where it is no longer enough, who doll or can then determine who gets what to eat and who doesn’t? There was no need to talk about it in the past, there were wars, accidents, incurable diseases and people were not as old as today. Today it is believed that there should be no more wars, modern medicine lets people remain healthy and live longer, epidemics that were previously incurable and many have gathered there are now easily curable. The attempt has already been made to keep the population healthy by limiting births, but who does not use it if they are not all involved.

Writer Winfried Schäfer – Rochau

1 month ago

Then if we’re damned to die out. And also this day will come to short or long.

1 month ago

You just want to fuck. They don’t think about the consequences.

1 month ago

The comparison with the weight loss is enormous. Because here you compare the process in the body and mind of an ONE human with the dynamics in the world population (i.e. several people). One cannot describe the world population as a single organism.

After that, it must be clear that each region has different tendencies. Thus, people in Germany and in most European countries have long since “understood” (because the birth rates here are very low). It’s about countries like India or some African countries. There you have to ask these questions.

1 month ago

In civilised countries, people have understood

1 month ago

This will sooner or later take off by nature.

Mammals remain “our” for about 1 to 2 million years.

1 month ago

Not at all. Children’s desire is a basic need.

The problem is not this one. Here we get kids or something.

The problem is that in poorer countries children are the only form of old-care. In addition to bad access to more effective prevention and spinnerein prevent the prevention trptz access.

The problem is not necessarily the crowds. It is simply the looting of a capitalist world.

If we really want to get rid of the number of people, we must ensure that all countries as far as possible have an education and well comparable to ours. But education is presumed. Especially the formation of women.

1 month ago

Do more people even though the planet bursts out of all the seams? That’s like eating on and hoping the jeans will fit again sometime. Less mass, more mind. but who listens to reason when it is nicely comfortable…

1 month ago

Because instinct is stronger than reason. Because the illusion of meaning and progress exudes suffering. Because we are prisoners of our biology – driven by a blind urge that does not know why.

1 month ago

No – we live in capitalism and growth must be simple.

1 month ago

This is the individual’s desire for sex doesn’t matter!

1 month ago

That’s what you’re telling us in Africa.