Wann strecken nach Armbruch?

Ich habe mir vor drei Wochen den Arm gebrochen, glatter Bruch direkt vor dem Ellbogengelenk. Für 2,5 Wochen hatte ich einen Gips von den Fingern bis hoch zum Oberarm, also komplett. Seit 4 Tagen ist der Gips ab und ich mache Übungen zum Strecken und Drehen. Ich kann den Unterarm soweit drehen, dass ich mit beiden Händen problemlos tippen kann. Anwinkeln (Gips-Position) geht natürlich auch gut.

Ich übe täglich zig Mal das Strecken, aber es wird nicht besser. Ich habe das Gefühl, es ist massiv versteift und weiter runter will er nicht. Egal wie sehr ich es versuche (ohne Gegendruck natürlich), er geht nicht einen Millimeter weiter runter.

Normal in dieser Phase? Brauche ich nur Geduld?

Ich bin gerade im Urlaub, noch 2,5 Wochen in Kroatien und die Ärztin meinte, ich solle nach Gipsabnahme für 3 Wochen mobilisieren (strecken üben) und ab Woche 6 in Deutschland dann Physio vereinbaren und noch mal Bruchkontrolle/Röntgen beim Arzt. Damit wurde ich nach Hause geschickt. In Deutschland hätte ich natürlich mehr Ansprechpartner, daher wende ich mich an euch.

Ich kenne niemanden, der nahe am Ellbogen einen Bruch und 2,5 Wochen Gips hatte, daher kann ich niemanden fragen, was normal ist. Kommt die Dehnung irgendwann? Also pro Woche einen Zentimeter und ich mache mich umsonst verrückt? Oder sollte es jetzt schon besser sein und weil es das nicht ist, ist es schon versteift?

Ich bin beruflich massiv auf meine Arme angewiesen (Texterin) und daher sehr besorgt, dass es immer so bleibt. Ich kann zwar schreiben, aber ich würde den Arm echt gerne irgendwann wieder strecken können.

Zur bildlichen Anschauung. Im Gips war es ein 90-Grad-Winkel. Nach Gips bin ich ungefähr bei der Hälfte bis zur 0-Grad-nach-unten-Streckung. Also ca. Hälfte von dem, was mit Gips möglich war. Weiter lässt er sich nicht strecken, er scheint zu blockieren. Gegendrücken will ich natürlich nicht.

Wenn keiner eine schlaue Antwort hat, muss ich die 2,5 Wochen bzw. wahrscheinlich eher 3 Wochen auf die Physio warten. Aber da dann schon 6 Wochen seit Bruch sind, habe ich Sorge, dass ich die Versteifung dann nicht mehr ohne OP lösen kann.

Vielleicht habt ihr ja Erfahrungen mit diesem Bruch! 🙂 Danke schon mal!

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1 year ago

Have some patience and continue training. It comes, slow down, but it will come. At the time I had a 3-fold elbow break with bone tear and ligament overstretched. My forearm hung at an angle of 45° at the back and only blew at the tendons. It had to be operated and screwed and I had the plaster for 8 weeks. After a year of intensive training and weekly physio., I could move and load the arm again normally. I can’t extend it anymore, but that doesn’t prevent me in everyday life.

1 year ago
Reply to  ShaGuck

My accident was in 1988, since that, of course, medicine has developed extremely. But that was also the case with me that I was only allowed to bend and stretch the first weeks without any burden. Gradually, very light weights were added under supervision. But I would advise you to listen to your Croatian doctor and practice only the movement and extension (angle and stretch, as far as possible without pain). With too much stress, I would be afraid that something could tear.

1 year ago

Very much. You very good improvement

1 year ago

It’s just day 4 centimeters. Go on, as before, and patiently. Too much is when it hurts. Leave your body and you time and do not have too high demands on yourself

1 year ago

Also turn the forearm to the side and bring the wrist back into motion (up, down, circle) you can train.

1 year ago

Just keep practicing. You can go up to the pain limit, you can swell auc. The more you practice, the more the joint becomes movable. You should find progress from day to day. The more you create yourself now, the less you have to do physiotherapy.

1 year ago
Reply to  ShaGuck

The joints that were in the plaster move. Eleven arch stretch, bend, stretch, bend, etc. wrist bend, stretch, turn left, turn right, fist to, fist to.

1 year ago

Yes, I have always moved the joints fixed by the plaster in all directions for which the joints are designed.

1 year ago

It gets better every day. These are lime deposits which are broken down again by moving. You’ll see the more you try, the faster it gets better. I was surprised by my chiurgen: After a finger break, I worked intensively for a week. He was surprised that everything was already fully mobile. He canceled the physiotherapy, he was no longer necessary. I’ve been tortured to the pain limit.

1 year ago

Patience is important and that you do your exercises regularly – even if it hurts.

1 year ago

If you were in a German hospital now, a physio would have shown you the right exercises.

According to your information, this was a normal doctor.

And then you just said the simplest exercises (sticking and bending).

Therefore do these exercises, and go to the pain limit and hold a few seconds.

1 year ago

Keep training! You can heat the joint beforehand, with grain pillows etc. Then let yourself help with stretching exercises. Movement is the A and O! Wait too long, can actually stay back restrictions.

1 year ago
Reply to  ShaGuck

Help in stretching. You stop when it gets uncomfortable. Then you have to go on a little bit. That’s why the help…

1 year ago
Reply to  ShaGuck

There’s the mistake.

In the exercise, the pain must be a bit stronger.

Because if you stop whenever the pain begins, It will be nix. 😉

1 year ago

Well, in December I was still at 105 kg.

And since I only drink Cherry Coke (only those with sugar, since I get from one of the used sweets, directly the cuddle), I am up to now, without any diet, slipped to 85.5.

But because of the drug problem, I need higher doses from home.

Even in the case of tramal drops, the dose level begins at Me, as high as this, according to the package leaflet, should only be administered in the hospital.

1 year ago

The one for the muscles.

The 3rd could happen to you that you could have this pain for your life.

That’s the same as my left ankle.

There I have also been in pain for over 10 years, after a debris break.

I was operated 5 times in total, the last even so that I am free of pain.

That’s a sentence with X.

That was Nix.

I hope it will NOT become a permanent pain with you.

If I use IBU, I need 3 to 4 600, per dose.

So 1800 to 2400 mg, but this is due to my former Illegal drug problem.