Wann Steuerbescheid?

Hello friends,

ich habe vor drei Monaten meine Steuererklärung abgegeben und noch immer keinen Bescheid bekommen. Also am 07.03. ging die beim Finanzamt ein. Gestern habe ich nachgefragt, wie lange es noch ungefähr dauern wird, bis ich das Geld bekomme, sie meinte dann nur, dass sie aktuell die Bescheide vom 28.02. bearbeiten.

Mit dieser Info kann ich natürlich wenig anfangen.
Habt ihr nen Plan, wie lange das noch ca. dauern wird?

Thanks & liebe Grüße! 🙂

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1 year ago

So, now the explanations with input 28. 2. Your explanation went one week later. Then it will take about a week to work.

Then the data is processed, which is created with a run of about 10 days. That is, in about 3 weeks you can count on it.

1 year ago

That means that the processing can still last, how long is it? This can depend on so many factors.

The wish that every explanation after 3 weeks has been spelling a decision has been ubiquitous for years, but is so utopian.

For the first time, you have to be restarted and this is not fully automatic. That’s the same as a move. because special features such as a declared work room or a double budget management can also lead to a situation that lasts longer.

The same is true if the treatment by the sick person is currently hardly possible, because you have to wait and do not have a handle against it, that is just the case. Also, it should not be forgotten that, due to short-time work in 2022 and 2021, a lot of people have slipped into the levies obligation, which leads to considerably more labor costs with almost every tax office.

It doesn’t matter if you used Elster.de, TaxFix or your program. Only paper imprints make a difference, these must first be digitized ( scanned).

If you haven’t heard anything after 6 months, you can file an objection for inactivity.

I’d be courageous to guess what you’ll get in the next 4 weeks, either the message or the document request.

1 year ago

Three months… that’s nix. It took me over half a year last.