Wann sollte man zur ersten Party mit Alkohol?
Ich bin 14 und wurde mit 2 meiner Freunden (die auch noch nie Alkohol getrunken haben) zu einer kleinen Party eingeladen.
Aber alle anderen dort sind schon sehr erfahren was Partys angeht. Ich habe Angst dass wir 3 dann am Rand stehen und in einer unangenehmen Situation sind. (Wir sind etwas schüchtern) Außerdem bin ich ziemlich sicher dass es außer Kontrolle geraten wird…
Anderseits würde ich gerne zu meiner ersten Party.
At 18 at the earliest.
Before, it can happen that the Alk kills you. Since the liver can’t handle the alcohol so well.
You can! But let your fingers get away from the alcohol! You wouldn’t have tolerate it, and you probably have to hand it over to it! Whether you stand on the edge or not… it depends not on alcohol, but on your personality!
You don’t have to be a partyer, either. But it’s good to understand that you want the party and are curious. Drinking alcohol is not compulsion. Everyone drinks what he wants. If you want to try alcohol, I can only advise you to leave the Hartalk and stay with champagne, wine or beer. Above all, not to drink together – stay with a variety and drink slowly.
So that’s what goes on at the age, theoretically alcohol is never good, but you should have run through puberty almost at least. Just make sure you don’t overestimate yourself and leave it with 2 beers or a mix.
I was 13 and I was offered something last time (by my family) and asked, etc., but they would take it that way. Joah. I just have a mini swallow I don’t know what was drinking and there were 13% alkhol in there. That’s what made me go away. I was just bad, dizzy, and I was just fucking shit. I don’t want to know what would have been. It was curious because my mother and her boyfriend drink alcohol every night.
What do I want to say? Party can make I also recommend but only if you know you can go through and say no to alcohol.
LG JFeuerwehrGirl
I would only be from 16 but best from 18
Not at all. So in my opinion. I have and will never drink alcohol