Wann sollte man nach einem Stromschlag zum Arzt?

Mit welcher Stärke ist ein Stromschlag gefährlich bzw. wie kann man beurteilen wie stark ein Stromschlag war?

Hab gerade mein am Stecker angeschlossenes Handykabel untersucht und einer gebogenen Stelle hat aus der Isolierschicht eine kleine Spitze eines Aludrahts oder so raus geguckt.

Bin mit dem Daumen drauf und war ein kleiner Piks.

Handy war nicht dran angeschlossen.

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1 year ago

Well… the stupid Allerwelts question badly – to name the child. Because if you were looking at the forum first, you would have become more helpful with many equal questions, including answers, than to write something new here. But how little did you understand in physics that if the power supply 5V stands AND the plugs are barely protected at the front, then you get out of a danger? The 5V are as fatal as baby cereal…

1 year ago
Reply to  Gluglu

Sorry, but that’s nonsense. I’m pretty sure that baby cereal is much more harmful than 5V when you throw the glass in the throat with full force.

1 year ago

If you feel after the power stroke, you see double images, fluctuate or swirl while walking, you’re sick. If you feel heartaches, muscle spasms, lack of breath or similar symptoms. When hands, arms, feet or legs tingle, feel deaf or the like, and this condition does not improve.

Then it’s time to call the 112 to drive the next rescue or the doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  ThomasM1982X

Actually, before. But if you have someone who looks after you, it’s not so drastic symptoms.

1 year ago

I got the thumb on it and I was a little pok.

Yeah, a Pieks, more but not. You don’t get a power stroke from a USB cable. For this, the voltage is too low.

And no, you can’t feel how strong a power strike was. It can only be assumed by the circumstances that it might have been. This requires expertise and experience.

In principle, alternating currents of 30mA can be life-threatening. You can never say exactly how much power jun really has flowed. How good was the contact between the body and the part under tension? Was the skin moist or dry? Did they wear shoes or not? Which material were they? What material is the ground? How far is the next Erder? Usw.

In most cases, electricity accidents do not have health consequences. Therefore, after a power strike always remain calm. In case of nausea, heartaches and sweating, you should definitely go to the doctor immediately because the typical symptoms of heavier heart rhythm disorders are. However, if one is good and one considers that the power stroke was only extremely short and weak, one can also dispense with it even if a visit to the doctor would not harm.

I myself never went to a doctor after a power strike and I still live. It doesn’t have to be like that. It would be sensible to take too much to the doctor than to a little.

1 year ago

I’m not an expert, but that was just the phone cable. Loading with 5V. They’re harmless. Even if you’d cut it off and keep the contacts in your hands, I’m sure you could not do that, right?

1 year ago

In principle, one can say that from a current of 15mA, one can no longer “free” oneself from the point of contact. From 50mA, heart rhythm disorders can occur. Over 80mA you have only a low survival chance and 2A uses the fabric cooking.

Based on your incident: You don’t need to go to the doctor was nothing bad

1 year ago

There was no power strike.

2 months ago

Yes directly to the doctor

It could really happen something and you should be on number

rubber ball

1 year ago

if you have muscle cramps you should be a doctor

1 year ago

So don’t exaggerate.

1 year ago

Do not need a doctor

1 year ago

So you gave you a little stitch with a wire of shielding.

1 year ago

and was a little pok.

And you can also write, what should the doctor do?!

1 year ago
Reply to  euleella

Maybe the phone cable repair 🤔

1 year ago
Reply to  Conny303

Make printing.

1 year ago

Of course

1 year ago

The phone??