Wann sollte ich mir einen neuen Reithelm kaufen?

Meiner ist etwas über 3 Jahre alt und wurde über 300 mal benutzt. Gestern viel mir auf das der Verschluss nicht mehr so schön ist. Laut Hersteller alle 3 bis 5 Jahre. Meiner ist in den letzten Jahr ziemlich oft im Einsatz gewesen.

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2 years ago

As required:

If the helmet was predominantly in the hall and carefully treated (protection hood and always kept dry) it is more than 5 years.

If the helmet was rather used outside, but careful, no falls, no discolorations etc., it is the 3 years.

If the helmet is rugged, you should replace it after each fall.

2 years ago

I’ve never thought about it before. Even earlier, with the velvet-related helmet (made of wood?), with a 2-point elastic under the chin, I got some used, lying down and surpassed countless falls (also on the head) without prejudice. According to testimonials, I had any roof damage before 😜

Of course, depends on what you do. It’s a difference, whether you’re a pony or race. There are other forces coming! On the raceway one had to wear a kind of steel helmet with chin protection.

Will mean: depends on how “wild” you are on the move. But a legitimation that gives you a more beautiful, new quality, you have in any case 😄

2 years ago

That’s what the manufacturer writes. If the plasticizers are released from the plastic, it can no longer protect as intended.

You also exchange a helmet on your head after each fall and also when the helmet has fallen on hard ground from greater height alone.