Wann sind welche Notebook-Bildschirm-Größen für gesunde Augen empfehlenswert?
Man sitzt ja bei einem Notebook auch relativ nah dran am Bildschirm eines Notebooks. Und bei Monitoren wird ja auch schon empfohlen bei bestimmten Größen mehr Abstand zu haben…
For healthy eyes at the notebook you should note the following screen sizes and distances:
– **13–14 inch**: Optimum for short to medium use, especially with less distance (approximately 40–50 cm).
– **15–16 inch**: Good for longer use, ideal distance approx. 50–60 cm.
– **17 inches and greater**: Better at a distance of at least 60–70 cm to reduce eye load.
Chat GPT?
The answer reads as if you had let her write by a messenger
I’d take at least 15″ at 1080p.
I actually felt 14 inches at a 4 to 3 monitor as pleasant to work.
In today’s wide formats I prefer at least 15 inches
For longer work on the laptop, I would recommend a docking station with reasonable monitors.
Otherwise 15.6”