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If I rise above my landlord.
I have found that authenticity is important to me, but is not fully enforceable without significant consequences, because it sometimes gives problematic experiences that do not use yourself. For example, I would like to bang my landlord all possible to my head, but would then have the worry that he has something legal against me.
Thanks for the answer.
Hello dear Waldzwerg33.
I’m always authentic. Whether on the platform or in the right life.
I don’t have to hire myself, there’s no reason to do that. Whether in the profession, private with friends, or with strangers. That’s what makes me look like.
My open, friendly being gives me success in the profession. My fellow human beings like me.
I don’t like people who choose to reach anything or hide something.
Generally, I like people who are authentic and have the heart on the right spot.
💕 greetings star
I’m always authentic.
Don’t want to embarrass me and don’t see the meaning behind it.
I am always authentic; although I have dealt with problems especially in my previous profession, because managers are best streamlined and backboneless – my customers liked it…
Authentic one is only if you don’t think about his actions and just write as you think and don’t think like others
often, especially when I have risen and stress, I can hide it badly
Actually, what so many may wonder.
It’s always me. I’m sure.
Authentic with who?
Find something
Thank you.
In this world never