Wann Pizza nach Blinddarm op?

Hallo wollte mal fragen, meine Blinddarm op ist jetzt eine Woche und 1 Tag her und ich wollte fragen wann ich wieder Pizza essen kann. Die Pizza die ich essen will ist 430g und hat 34g fett und 14g Zucker kann ich sie essen und was wären Komplikationen nach dem Verzehr dieser Pizza ?

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9 months ago

In the first 2-3 weeks you should eat only slightly digestible, as the intestine needs time for healing.

Pizza is difficult to digest, so you should wait about two weeks.

9 months ago
Reply to  Martin594

Yes, that would be bad, as the pizza puts your intestine and unnecessarily strained and compromises the healing.

You really want to put your health at stake for a pizza?

Take a little together and in two weeks, the pizza tastes so much better.

9 months ago

You don’t have to be afraid, but it wasn’t good.

Ultimately, it is your body and your responsibility.

I told you why it’s not sensual, but if you’re holding on it, it’s your thing.