Wann neuer OP Termin?
Hallo, am Montag wurde mir gesagt das meine HNO Nasenpolypen OP verschoben wird die eigentlich am Freitag sein sollte weil im Krankenhaus eine große OP reingekommen ist. Ich warte seid 2 Monaten auf diese OP und bin deshalb etwas nervös das der nächte Termin erst monate später sein wird.Ich habe am Telefon direkt gefragt wann der neue Termin ist und man sagte mir nur man wird sich melden. Wann ungefähr denkt ihr kriege ich den neuen Termin mitgeteilt?
You can’t say that. With us, for example, only employees operating in the HNO, which are only there on individual days…why it can take a few weeks again when moving. In clinics with their own HNO it can also go faster. Depends on how the planning at the clinic looks.
We think you should ask your doctor and not us, because we don’t have a glass ball and don’t know the utilisation of your clinic. You don’t have a life-threatening condition and therefore you have to put on the back, which is also correct.
It’s just a mute, but I think they’re coming up soon and maybe you’ll get a new appointment next week.
Good luck!
I wouldn’t let her get back on me like that. I’d call and ask for a few more days. Also at the risk you’re annoying them, but you can tell them that you’re worried that they don’t report.
To behave like this and to say that you are reporting, I personally consider a very bad style! Normally, something like this will be forgotten, because then more urgent cases come in and you forget the ones that don’t report.
So keep up and take care of yourself. Don’t wait to take care of you, for those who scream the quietest one doesn’t hear at some point!
How does anyone know this? We can’t look into the KH schedule.